HSST Botany 2012: Kerala PSC Previous Year Question Paper with Answer Key and Explanations – Part 3

green fluorescent protein

(image source: wikipedia)

Kerala PSC HSST Botany 2012 Examination
Higher Secondary School Teacher: Junior & Senior
Question Paper Code 40/2012 (Cat. NO. 449/2010)

Original question paper of Kerala PSC HSST Botany Junior / Senior (Higher Secondary School Teacher Botany), Category No. 449/2010) examination conducted by Kerala PSC (Public Service Commission) on 13/04/2002 (Q. Code 40/2012) for the appointment of HSST Botany in Government Higher Secondary Schools of Kerala under the Directorate of Higher Secondary Education, Trivandrum, Govt. of Kerala. Questions are in MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) format.

Part – 3 (Questions 51 – 75)

51.  GFP stands for:

a.       Green Fluorescent Protein
b.      Gene Finger Printing
c.       Grey Fluorescent Protein
d.      Green Fluorescent Plants

Ans. (a). Green Fluorescent Protein

GFP: It is a 26.9 dDa protein with 238 amino acids originally isolated from a jellyfish namely Aequorea victoria. GFP emit green fluorescent light when hit with light waves of ultraviolet region. The excitation wave length of GFP is 395 nm and the emission wavelength is at 475 nm (bright green). GFP is extensively utilized in molecular biology research for tagging biomolecules especially proteins for quantification, localization, interaction of proteins with other proteins or other cellular components. Martin Chalfie, Osamu Shimomura and Roger Y. Tsien were awarded the 2008 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their discovery and development of the green fluorescent protein. Many variants of GFP are now available each with characteristic excitation and emission ranges.


52.  Asafoetida is obtained from which part of Ferula asafetida:

a.       Stem back
b.      Leaf
c.       Root
d.      Fruit

Ans (c). Root

53.  Study of pollen grains in honey:

a.       Stenopalynology
b.      Dendrocronology
c.       Latropalynology
d.      Melittopalynology

Ans. (d). Melittopalynology

Melittology: scientific study of bees


54.  In Asteraceae, androecium is:

a.       Monadelphous
b.      Synandrous
c.       Polyadelphous
d.      Syngenesious

Ans. (d). Syngenesious

Syngenesious: Anthers fused but filaments free, characteristic androecium of Asteraceae


55.  Method employed in the detection of proteins:

a.       Northern
b.      Southern
c.       Western
d.      PCR

Ans. (c). Western blotting

Northern blotting: for the detection of RNA

Southern blotting: for the detection of DNA

Eastern blotting: for the study of post translational modifications of proteins.


56.  Human genome project worked with:

a.       RFLP
b.      RAPD
c.       AFLP
d.      Shotgun method

Ans. (d). Shotgun method

Shotgun method: A rapid method of DNA sequencing which allowed relatively quick completion of whole genome sequencing of an organism. The traditional chain termination method of sequencing (Frederick Sanger’s dideoxy sequencing) can sequence only short segments (100 to 1000 bp) DNA at a time. In shotgun sequencing the genomic DNA is randomly sliced to numerous small segments, which are then sequenced using the chain termination method to obtain ‘reads’. Multiple overlapping reads for the target DNA are obtained after several rounds of this fragmentation and sequencing. Computer programs then use the overlapping ends of different reads to assemble them into a continuous sequence.


57.  9:7 is the F2 ratio in:

a.       Inhibitory gene action
b.      Supplementary gene action
c.       Complementary gene action
d.      Duplicate gene action

Ans. (c) Complementary gene action

Complementary gene: one of more gene interact together to produce a phenotype which is completely different from the phenotype produce by these genes individually.

What is Systolith?

Cystolith of Ficus Leaf

58.  Cystoliths are:

a.       CaCO3
b.      CaNO3
c.       CaNO2
d.      CaSO4

Ans. (a). CaCO3

59.  Improving the genetic composition of a population is:

a.       Euphenics
b.      Euthenics
c.       Eugenics
d.      Euglenics

Ans. (c). Eugenics

Euphenics: branch of genetics dealing with making of phenotypically improved traits in humans after birth

Euthenics: Improving well-being and functioning of human by improving living conditions

60.  SWISPROT is a database for:

a.       Nucleic acids
b.      Proteins
c.       Nucleotides
d.      Genes

Ans. (b). Proteins

SWISPROT: a free database of comprehensive protein sequences. Originally developed by Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics in 1986 and later improved by the European Bioinformatics Institute. The new name of SWISPROT is UniProt. It can be accessed through the url: www.uniprot.org

Ophioglossum sporangia

Ophioglossum (source wikipedia)

61.  Highest number of chromosome reported in:

a.       Elephant
b.      Reflessia
c.       Man
d.      Ophioglossum

Ans. (d) Ophioglossum

Ophioglossum is a Pteridophyte. The 2n chromosome number of Ophioglossum is 1,262

62.  Oliogenes control:

a.       Quantitative characters
b.      Qualitative characters
c.       Random genetic drift
d.      Recombination

Ans. (a). Quantitative characters

63.  Protoplast fusion is technically known as:

a.       Cloning
b.      Asexual reproduction
c.       Prasexual hybridization
d.      None of these

Ans. (c). Parasexual hybridization

Parasexual: the term describe the process of genetic recombination without the involvement of usual genetic crossing over, meiosis and union of gametes. In parasexual hybridization, protoplasts of two unrelated organisms were fused in in vitro condition to get new genetic combinations.

64.  Marine pteridophyte:

a.       Pteris
b.      Actinopteris
c.       Angiopteris
d.      None

Ans. (d). None

Pteris, Actinopteris and Angiopteris are terrestrial Pteridophytes

So far there is NO marine Bryophyte, Pteridophyte and Gymnosperm known to science.

Only very few angiosperms (about 50 species) are known to be marine and they are collectively called as SEA GRASSES

65.  Gift of old world to new world:

a.       Maize
b.      Wheat
c.       Barley
d.      Oat

Question removed before the publication of final answer key

66.  The first transgenic crop produced was:

a.       Tobacco
b.      Pea
c.       Cotton
d.      Flax

Ans. (a). Tobacco

First genetically modified plant: antibiotic resistant tobacco, produced in 1983

67.  Organism used in coir-pith composting:

a.       Eudrilus enginae
b.      Pleurotus sajar-cayr
c.       Rhizobium sp.
d.      Agaricus campestris

Ans. (b). Pleurotus sajar-cayr

68.  Ogive is a:

a.       Frequency polygon
b.      Relative frequency map
c.       Frequency curve
d.      Cumulative frequency curve

Ans. (d). Cumulative frequency curve

69.  Androgenic haploids were first produced by:

a.       Steward and white
b.      Guha and Maheswari
c.       Reinert and Bajaj
d.      Bourgin and Nitsch

Ans. (b). Guha and Maheswari

Guha and Maheswari done the anther culture for the first time

70.  Which of the following is an indirect gene transfer method:

a.       Microinjection
b.      Biolistics
c.       Cosmid
d.      Lipofection

Ans. (c). Cosmid

Microinjection, Biolisticas and Lipofection are direct gene transfers. In direct gene transfer methods, the genetic material is directly transferred or injected into the host cell by physical or physio-chemical methods.

In indirect gene transfer, the gene transfer is facilitated by a vector. The gene of interest is first ligated to the genome of the vector. Host cell is then infected with the vector which ultimately transfers the gene of interest to the host cell.

Plasmids, cosmids, phagemids, YAC etc. are important vectors used in gene transfer techniques.

Cosmid: a type of hybrid plasmid which contain the ‘cos’ site (cos sequence) of a lambda phage. The superiority of cosmid over plasmid is that, cosmids can be packed in phage capsids, which allows the foreign genes to be transferred into or between cells by transduction.

71.  DNA denaturation temperature in PCR:

a.       35-37oC
b.      40-60oC
c.       70-75oC
d.      90-98oC

Question removed due to confusion in the answer options

Denaturation temperature in PCR is the temperature at which the template DNA denatures (the double strands separates by the braking of hydrogen bonds between them). The selection of denaturation temperature in PCR depends on the thermo-stability of DNA polymerase enzyme. It also depends on the GC content in the template DNA. In usual PCR reactions, where the thermo-stable Taq DNA polymerase enzyme is used, the usual denaturation temperature is set at a range of 92-94oC.

72.  The technique used to solve parental dispute is:

a.       DNA finger printing
b.      Western blot
c.       RIA
d.      ELISA

Ans. (a). DNA Finger Printing

73.  Sago is extracted from:

a.       Cycas
b.      Adiantum
c.       Pinus
d.      Nephrolepis

Ans. (a). Cycas

Sago is a starchy preparation obtained from the exudates of the pith of some tropical palm trees and some gymnosperms such as Cycas

Metroxylon is known as Sago palm, it is an Angiospermic plant

74.  Infective protein particles:

a.       Virus
b.      Viroid
c.       Prion
d.      Intron

Ans. (c). Prions

75.  In human ABC blood group system is controlled by:

a.       Pseudo alleles
b.      Multiple alleles
c.       Dominant allele
d.      Recessive allele

Ans. (b). Multiple allele

Multiple alleles: more than two alternative forms (alleles) at a locus for a particular trait.

Human blood group is controlled by three alleles, IA, IB, and i,

Pseudo-allele: two or more closely linked genes that act usually as a single member of an allelic pair but occasionally undergo crossing-over and recombination

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