Difference between Gas Solid Chromatography and Gas Liquid Chromatography


Gas Chromatography or GC is a chromatographic technique used for the separation of volatile compounds. In GC, a mixture of volatile compounds with differential migration passes through a column containing solid or liquid stationary phase. In GC, the mixture to be separated should be in gaseous phase and the mobile phase used will be always in the gaseous state (usually an inert gas such as nitrogen, helium or argon). Based on the states of stationary phases, there are two types of Gas Chromatography techniques: (1) Gas Solid Chromatography (GSC) and (2) Gas Liquid Chromatography (GLC).

(1). Gas Solid Chromatography (GSC):

In GSC, the stationary phase is in the solid state (liquid phase is absent). The stationary phase is coated in the interior of the column. Molecules in the stationary phase will interact with the mobile phase through adsorption forces.

(2). Gas Liquid Chromatography (GLC):

In GLC, the stationary phase is a nonvolatile liquid. The liquid stationary phase is coated on an inert support in the column. The mobile phase will be an inert gas such as nitrogen, helium or argon.

There are considerable differences in the working principle, mobile and stationary phase and the efficiency of GSC and GLC. The present post discusses the similarities and differences between Gas Solid Chromatography (GSC) and Gas Liquid Chromatography (GLC) with a comparison table.

Similarities between Gas Liquid and Gas Solid Chromatography

Ø  Both are GSC and GLC are Gas chromatographic techniques.

Ø  Both uses gaseous mobile phase (usually an inert gas such as N, He etc.).

Ø  Both are used for the separation of volatile compounds / mixtures.

Difference between GSC and GLC

Ø  Heat labile compounds cannot be separated

Ø  Both GSC and GLC can be analytic or preparatory.

Ø  Both types of GC use similar type of detectors.

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Difference between Gas Liquid Chromatography and Gas Solid Chromatography

Sl. No.Gas Solid Chromatography
Gas Liquid Chromatography
1In GSC, the stationary phase is in solid stateIn GLC, the stationary phase is in liquid state.
2GSC is an adsorption chromatography technique.GLC is a partition chromatography technique.
3In GSC, the distribution coefficients of compounds are much higher.In GLC, the distribution coefficients are comparatively much smaller.
4The retention time (Rf) is comparatively long in GSCThe retention time is comparatively short in GLC.
5No liquid phase is involved in GSC.At least one liquid phase is involved in GLC.
6Since liquid phase is absent in GSC, higher temperature can be used.The higher temperature in GLC is determined by the nature of liquid phase in the GLC.
7Comparatively very small concentrations of samples can be used in GSC.Higher concentrations of samples can be used in GLC.
8GSC uses packed columns.GLC uses capillary columns.

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