Difference between True Solution, Colloidal Solution and Suspension: A Comparison Table

True Solution vs Colloidal Solution vs Suspension

Based on the nature of particle size, solutions are classified into THREE categories, namely (1) True Solution, (2) Colloidal Solution and (3) Suspension. Apart from the size differences of particles, these sub-categories of solutions also show considerable difference in their nature, colour, filterability and appearance.

(1). True Solution: a mixture of two or more substances in which the solute is completely dissolve in the solvent. The size of particles in a true solution will be less than 1 nm in diameter.

(2). Colloidal Solution: a heterogenous mixture of two or more substances in which the substance is evenly suspended in the other. The size of particles in a colloidal solution will be larger than that of a true solution and smaller than suspension. The size range of particles in a colloidal solution will be 1 – 1000 nm in diameter.

(3). Suspension: The size of particles in a suspension will be greater than 1000 nm. Suspension is a heterogenous mixture of two or more substances.

The present post describes the Similarities and Differences between True Solution, Colloidal Solution and Suspension with a Comparison Table.

Difference between True Solution Colloidal Solution and Suspension

Difference between True Solution Colloidal Solution and Suspension

True SolutionColloidal SollutionSuspension
Particle sizeLess than 1 nm in diameter1 – 1000 nm in diameterGreater than 1000 nm
ExampleSugar solution in waterStarch dissolved in waterSoil dissolved in water
External appearanceClear and homogenousClear and homogenousOpaque and heterogenous
Nature of solutionHomogenousHeterogenousHeterogenous
Number of phase systemsOne phase systemTwo phase systemsTwo phase systems
Visibility of particles under naked eye/ Light MicroscopeNot visibleNot visibleVisible
Visibility of Particles under electron microscopeNot visibleVisibleVisible
Separation by filtrationNot possibleNot possiblePossible
Effect of gravity on sedimentationWill not sedimentWill not sedimentSediment
ElectrolysisUndergo electrolysisUndergo catephoresisUndergo electrophoresis
Colour of solutionDepends on the nature of soluble salt or ionsDepends on the size of the colloidal particlesDepends on the colour of suspended particles
Light penetrationTransparentTranslucentOpaque
Tyndal effectDoes not exhibit Tyndal effectExhibits Tyndal effectLight cannot pass through the suspension
Brownian movementsParticles will not show Brownian movementsParticles will show Brownian momentsMay or may not show Brownian movements

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