Difference between Colloids and Crystalloids: A Comparison Table

Colloids vs Crystalloids

Difference between Colloids and Crystalloids: This article is about the Difference between Crystalloids and Colloids with a comparison table. First lets see what are Colloids and Crystalloids.

Colloids: Colloids are homogeneous non-crystalline substances containing large molecules or ultramicroscopic particles of one substance dispersed in a second substance. Colloids include gels, sols, and emulsions.  Unlike the suspension, the particles in the colloid do not settle and they cannot be separated out by ordinary filtering or centrifugation.

Crystalloids: Crystalloids are aqueous solutions of salts or minerals that can be crystallized.

Thus the main difference between colloids and crystalloids are their particle size. Both colloids and crystalloids are used as volume expanders and hence have immense applications in the medical field.

Difference between Crystalloids and Colloids

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Difference between Colloids and Crystalloids

Sl. No.ColloidsCrystalloids
1Colloids are those substances which are not easily crystallized from their aqueous solutions.Crystalloids are those substances which are easily crystallized from their aqueous solution.
2Example: starch, gelatin, gumExample: salt, sugar, urea
3Colloids contain much larger particles than crystalloids (1 – 200 nm).Crystalloids contain much smaller particles than colloids (<1 nm).
4Vascular permeability of colloids is comparatively low.Vascular permeability of crystalloids is high.
5Colloids do not pass through the plasma membrane of the cell.Crystalloids quickly pass through the plasma membrane of the cell.
6Colloids are heterogeneous systems.Crystalloids are homogenous systems
7Colloids are classified as lyophilic and lyophobic colloids.Crystalloids are classified as isotonic, hypertonic and hypotonic.
8Colloids should be stored in refrigerators.Crystalloids can be stored at room temperature.
9Preparation of colloids is tedious.Preparation of crystalloids is very easy.
10Colloids cannot act as the source of electrolytes.Crystalloids can act as a source of electrolytes in the body.
11Colloids have short life span.Crystalloids have long life time.

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