Zoology Ph.D Entrance Examination 2015 Question Paper (Kerala University)

Zoology PhD Entrance Papers



Time: 140 Minutes                                                  Maximum Marks: 160

Note: Answer any twelve questions from Section B and one question from Section C in the subject concerned. In Section B, each question carries 10 marks. Section C carries 40 marks. In Section B an answer should not exceed 100 words. In Section C, an answer should not exceed 500 words.


(1). What are biosensors? What is their role in health care management?

(2). Write brief note on food toxicological agents.

(3). Write an account on how backwater tourism activities affect the aquatic ecosystem.

(4). Explain the pros and cons of genetic transplant and GM products.

(5). Describe the steps in cellular protein synthesis.

(6). Discuss how locality based construction of biodiversity register is important for local development.

(7). What is the significance of BOD and COD in water quality testing?

(8). Briefly describe the major arbor viral diseases in Kerala.

(9). Describe briefly on human genome project and India’s contribution to it.

(10).  Write a note on chemical communication by pheromones

(11).  Describe the biochemical pathways of blood coagulation.

(12).  Give an account of microbiological degradation of xenobiotic.

(13).  Explain various methods for testing hypothesis.

(14).  Write short notes on:

a. Column Chromatography

b. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis

(15).  Give an account of dating of fossils.

(16).  Explain the hormonal regulation of insect metamorphosis.


(1). Explain how cell reduction division process contributes to different gene combinations in the progeny.

(2). Propose briefly a research program to address and solve a significant environmental issue in your locality.

(3). Explain any three village biotechnology applications you are familiar with, which can be recommended for income generating enterprises.

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