Kerala University Zoology Ph.D Entrance Examination 2009 Question Paper (Download PDF)

Zoology PhD Entrance Papers



Time: 140 Minutes                                                  Maximum Marks: 160

Note: Answer any twelve questions from Section B and one question from Section C in the subject concerned. In Section B, each question carries 10 marks. Section C carries 40 marks. In Section B an answer should not exceed 100 words. In Section C, an answer should not exceed 500 words.


(1). Distinguish between holometabolous and hemimetabolous insect.

(2). What is ‘unit membrane’ concept?

(3). Precisely explain cell theory.

(4). Distinguish between niche and habitat.

(5). How are ecological ‘hot spots’ important?

(6). What is the role of interference RNA?

(7). How is mitochondrial DNA important in Phylogenetic analysis?

(8). Briefly explain the principle of PCR.

(9). What is a ‘knock out’ mouse? How are they important?

(10).  What are transgenic plants?

(11).  Briefly explain the functional significance of reticular formations of the brain.

(12).  Compare the physiological role of acetyl choline and adrenaline as eurotransmitters.

(13).  How does a protein hormone act at the target cell level?

(14).  What are melanopsin cells?

(15).  What is meant by pluripotency?

(16).  What is the evolutionary significance of ‘reproductive isolation’?


(1). Name the hormones of the ‘Hypothalamo-Pituitary-Gonadal axis. Briefly explain the function of each.

(2). What is Neo-Darwinism? Describe the major concepts that are involved in it.

(3). Substance ‘PS’ obtained from a plant is suspected to have some haematological influence. State a hypothesis for the above possibility. Design an experiment to verify the hypothesis you have stated; select 2/3 logical parameters for quantitative data. Comment on the Data summarization, statistical techniques for data analysis and interpretation.

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