Difference between Transpiration and Guttation – A Comparison Table

Transpiration vs Guttation (A Comparison Table)

Difference between Transpiration and Guttation: Transpiration and Guttation are the two physiological events in plants by which the plants release water to the external atmosphere.

Transpiration: Transpiration is the excessive loss of water from the aerial portion of plants as water vapours. Even though the transpiration results in excessive loss of water, it helps to maintain the continuous absorption water from the soil through a force called the ‘Transpiration Pull’. Thus, the transpiration is considered as a ‘Necessary Evil’ in plants.

Guttation: Guttation is the process of secretion of liquid water through the leaf tips in some plants. These plants possess a specialized structure at their leaf tip and margins called Hydathodes. The guttation usually occurs in the morning time when the atmosphere humidity will be high and the rate of transpiration will be low.

Similarities between Transpiration and Guttation

Ø  Both transpiration and guttation primarily occurs though leaf.

Ø  In both cases, the water is lost through specialized pores.

Ø  Both transpiration and guttation cause permanent water loss from the plant.

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Difference between Transpiration and Guttation

Sl. No.TranspirationGuttation
1Transpiration occurs primarily through stomata and also through lenticels.Guttation occurs only through Hydathodes.
2In transpiration, water is lost in the form of water vapours.In guttation, water is lost as liquid water.
3Transpiration is NOT considered as a Secretion.Guttation is a type of Secretion since the tissue facilitating the guttation (Hydathode) is a secretory tissue.
4Transpiration occurs at the day time.Guttation occurs in the night time or in the early morning.
5Transpiration occurs when the temperature is high.Guttation occurs when the temperature is low.
6Transpiration can occur through all parts of the leaf since stomata are more or less evenly distributed on the epidermis.Guttation can only occur through the margin of the leaves where the leaf veins end.
7The transpiration is favoured by dry conditions.Guttation is inhibited by dry conditions.
8The humid condition of the environment reduces the transpiration rate since it reduces the diffusion rate.Humid condition favours the guttation process.
9Water loss in transpiration is by simple diffusion (movement of molecules from a region of its higher concentration to a region of lower concentration).Water loss in guttation is NOT by diffusion. Water just ooze out as small drops.
10Excessive transpiration during dry time can cause plant wilting.Guttation will not cause plant wilting.
11Transpiration can be regulated by regulating the opening and closing of stomata.Guttation cannot be regulated since there is NO opening and closing mechanism for Hydathodes.
12Transpiration can be influenced by many factors such as nature of stomata, humidity in the environment, availability of water in the soil, wind flow and presence of transpiration inhibitors (antitranspirants).Guttation is primarily influenced by atmospheric humidity and availability of water.

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