Aristolochia stem thickening

Anomalous Secondary Thickening in Amaranthus and Achyranthes Stem

Anomalous secondary thickening in Amaranthus and Achyranthes occurs due to the abnormal activity of an abnormal cambium. Here, new cambial rings are formed from the cortex or pericycle after the older cambium has ceased its functioning. The new cambial strip formed also behaves abnormally. This type of anomalous secondary thickening is common in many members […]

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Aristolochia stem thickening

Anomalous Secondary Thickening in Aristolochia Stem

Aristolochia (Family: Aristolochiaceae) is a climber and the pattern of secondary thickening in the stem of Aristolochia helps its twining habitat. In Aristolochia, the cambium is normal but showing abnormal activity. During the secondary growth, the normal cambial ring is formed by the fusion of fascicular and inter-fascicular cambium. However, the cambium forms vascular tissue […]

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Anomalous Secondary Growth in Dracaena Stem PPT

Secondary Growth in Dracaena Stem PPT: Anomalous Secondary Thickening in Dracaena, Anomalous Secondary Thickening in Monocot Plants, Secondary Thickening in Monocots, Process of Secondary Thickening in Plants, Included Phloem, Intra Xylary Phloem, Internal Phloem, Concentric Vascular Bundles, Amphivasal Vascular Bundles, Amphicribral Vascular Bundles, Functions of Secondary Thickening in Monocots, Formation of Cambial Ring in Monocots, […]

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