NET Life Sciences Model Question Paper (14)

(1). A flow cytometer is used to measure the number of

a.       Cells
b.      DNA
c.       RNA
d.      Proteins

(2). How many H atoms would be replaced CCl4 in presence of ethanol during NMR spectrum?

a.       1
b.      2
c.       3
d.      4

(3). During the regulation of trp operon by the attenuation process, there is

a.       Immature termination of translation
b.      Immature termination of transcription
c.       Termination of replication
d.      Ribosome fails to read transcript

(4). An embryo lacking the bicoid is injected with bicoid m‐RNA at the middle portion. It will result in the formation of _______.

a.       Two heads and no tarsons
b.      Head in the middle and tarsons at both the ends
c.       No head and tarson at both ends
d.      Normal phenotype

(5). Which microbe has been used against insect-plant pathogens?

a.       Agrobacterium tumefaciens
b.      Agrobacterium rhizogenes
c.       Bacillus thuringiensis
d.      Fusarium nudum

(6). In HIV diagnosis technique based on western blotting, the patient sample is screened for

a.       Antigen
b.      Antibody
c.       Virus outer coat protein
d.      Virus

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(7). In which cancer treatment erb‐B antibodies are used?

a.       Breast
b.      Oral
c.       Prostrate
d.      Lung

(8). Which instrument is used to measure the electrical activity of the heart?

a.       Electrocardiograph
b.      Electrocardiogram
c.       Sphygmomanometer
d.      Electroencephalogram

(9). In bioinformatics for structural proteomics, the structure of the protein can be determined from

a.       PDB
b.      EMBL
c.       NIH
d.      Gene bank

(10). Which of the following is a species-specific protein in sea urchin which plays important role in recognition during the acrosomal reaction?

a.       Bindin
b.      Avidin
c.       Fertilin
d.      Cortical granule

(11).  Which statement is correct for an r-selected species?

a.       Large number of progeny with large size
b.      Small number of progeny with large size
c.       Large number of progeny with small size
d.      Small number of progeny with large size

(12).  Which selectable marker gene is routinely used for selection of transgenic plant?

a.       Amphicillin
b.      Tetracyclin
c.       Hygromycin
d.      Carbenicillin

(13).  Polygalacatourinidase (PG) antisense RNA is used in reference to which phenomenon

a.       Seed setting
b.      Herbicide resistance
c.       Viral resistance
d.      Fruit Ripening

(14).  To explain the origin of life the first biomolecule generated under lab condition were:

a.       Amino acids
b.      Nucleic acids
c.       Carbohydrates
d.      Lipids

(15).  Dinosaurs become extinct about:

a.       1.6 billion years ago
b.      6.5 billion years ago
c.       6.5 million years ago
d.      65 million years ago

(16).  Which of the following diseases or pathogen has been completely eradicated from India?

a.       Smallpox, yellow fever
b.      Yellow fever, Plaque
c.       Smallpox, Guinea worm
d.      Sleeping sickness, yellow fever

(17).  Which of the following cell has been proved in the elucidation of the lipid bilayer of the plasma membrane?

a.       Bacterial cell
b.      Virus
c.       RBC
d.      Kidney Cell

(18).  When a new sapling is transferred to soil, roots have very loose contact with soil particles and it suffers from water stress because of

a.       Cavitation
b.      Positive hydraulic Pressure
c.       Capillary action
d.      Loss of water from roots to soil

(19).  A person suffering from glucose‐6‐ phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency are found to be resistant to

a.       Plasmodium
b.      Fungus
c.       Leishmania
d.      Bacteria

(20).  Bcl‐2 and Bax proteins involved in apoptosis are

a.       Pro-apoptotic and anti‐apoptotic
b.      Both pro-apoptotic
c.       Both anti‐apoptotic
d.      Anti‐apoptotic and Pro‐apoptotic

CSIR JRF NET Life Sciences December (II) 2017 Exam Model Questions

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Answer Key

1.      Ans. (a). Cells

2.      Ans. (c). 3

3.      Ans. (b). Immature termination of transcription

4.      Ans. (b). Head in the middle and tarsons at both the ends

5.      Ans. (c). Bacillus thuringiensis

6.      Ans. (b). Antibody

7.      Ans. (a). Breast

8.      Ans. (a). Electrocardiograph

9.      Ans. (a). PDB

10.  Ans. (a). Bindin

11.  Ans. (c). Large number of progeny with small size

12.  Ans. (c). Hygromycin

13.  Ans. (d). Fruit Ripening

14.  Ans. (a). Amino acids

15.  Ans. (d). 65 million years ago

16.  Ans. (c). Smallpox, Guinea worm

17.  Ans. (c). RBC

18.  Ans. (a). Cavitation

19.  Ans. (a). Plasmodium

20.  Ans. (d). Anti-apoptotic and Pro-apoptotic

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