JRF NET Life Sciences June 2017 Free Model Question Papers (13)

(1). Most of the DNA binding protein binds to DNA by particular motif to modulate gene expression. Genes which are under the regulation of gibberllic acid have GRE where, GREB binds. The motif in GREB is ______

a.       Leucine Zipper
b.      bZIP
c.       Zinc finger
d.      Homoedomain

(2). Which of the following DONOT occur during seed development?

a.       Accumulation of storage proteins
b.      Synthesis of LEA proteins
c.       Desiccation
d.      Synthesis of Gibberellic acid

(3). The chemical salicyl hydroxamic acid inhibits

a.       Cytochrome oxidase
b.      Alternative oxidase
c.       ATP synthase
d.      NADH‐dehydrogenase

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(4). Hardy‐Weinberg law will NOT operate under conditions¸ when

a.       3 alleles are involved
b.      Weak selection of one of the allele
c.       Skewed sex ratio
d.      Mutated allele is not involved in sexual selection

Learn more: Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium (easy explanation)

(5). Chromatids appear in the form of dyads during:

a.       Metaphase of mitosis
b.      Metaphase of meiosis
c.       Prophase of mitosis
d.      Anaphase of mitosis

(6). Among the following maximum gross productivity is observed in: 

a.       Boreal forests
b.      Temperate deciduous forests
c.       Temperate coniferous forests
d.      Cold deciduous forests

(7). Which of the following group of fungi produces motile spores?

a.       Basidiomycetes
b.      Ascomycetes
c.       Zygomycetes
d.      Chytridiomycetes

Learn more: Fungi General Characteristics

(8). Origin of a tropical weed Chromolaena odorata is:

a.       Ethiopia
b.      Peru
c.       Mexico
d.      Brazil

(9). Which statement is correct for ΔG=O

a.       The reaction is in equilibrium
b.      Operates only under constant P and V
c.       Follows PdV equation
d.      All the above

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(10). Darwinian evolutionary fitness is measured in turn of ____________

a.       Good health
b.      Ability to fight with others
c.       Reproductive success
d.      Lesser mutations

(11). Phytochromes involved in red/far‐red response are dimeric chromo-proteins. The two sub‐units of phytochromes are linked with

a.       PAS domain
b.      PTB domain
c.       Hinge region
d.      Kinase domain

(12).  The lateral separation of amphibian embryo at two celled stage will results in _____.

a.       Identical twins
b.      Two embryos joined at belly region
c.       Single embryo
d.      Two embryos missing various organs

(13).  Tigers do not occur in Sri Lanka while they are seen in India. However, leopards are seen in both India and Sri Lanka. What may be the reason?

a.       Tigers are not good swimmers
b.      Sri Lankans have removed tiger due to excessive hunting
c.       India care more for tigers
d.      Leopard originated after the separation of India and Sri Lanka due to plate shifting

(14).  In signal transduction pathway of which plant hormone the genes ‘rht’, ‘spy’, ‘gay’ are associated?

a.       Auxin
b.      Gibberellic acid
c.       Abscssic acid
d.      Ethylene

(15).  In plants, the gene ‘sepallata’ is NOT involved in the formation of _______.

a.       Sepals
b.      Petals
c.       Stamens
d.      Carpels

(16).  Which bio-geographical region covers the maximum part of India?

a.       Semi-arid region
b.      Deccan peninsular region
c.       Gangetic plains
d.      Himalaya

(17).  A cross between hens with different comb shape was carried as shows in the following figure.

CSIR model Qeustions

The conclusion which can be drawn is:

a.       Two genes are showing dominant epistasis
b.      Two independent segregating genes are involved
c.       Two genes are showing recessive epistasis
d.      For independent segregating alleles are involved

(18).  Reversal of sexual dimorphism is observed under the condition:

a.       Strong female choice
b.      Skewed sex ratio
c.       Number of males are very low
d.      Male and females changes their roles

(19).  The donor and acceptor of electron for Cytb/f6 are

a.      PQ and UQ
b.      UQ and Cyt C
c.       UQ and PC
d.      PQ and PC

(20).  If hydra is fragmented into various parts, separate group of cells re-pattern themselves into small Hydra. Such a mode of development is termed as:

a.       Regeneration
b.      Morphallaxis
c.       Epimorphogenesis
d.      Morphylaxis and epimorphogenesis

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Answer Key

1.      Ans. (a). Leucine Zipper

2.      Ans. (d). Zynthesis of Gibberellic acid

3.      Ans. (b). Alternative oxidase

4.      Ans. (b). Weak selection of one of the allele

5.      Ans. (b). Metaphase of meiosis

6.      Ans. (b). Temperate deciduous forests

7.      Ans. (d). Chytridiomycetes

8.      Ans. (c). Mexico

9.      Ans. (d). All the above

10.  Ans. (c). Reproductive success

11.  Ans. (c). Hinge region

12.  Ans. (a). Identical twins

13.  Ans. (d). Leopard originated after the separation of India and Sri Lank due to plate shifting

14.  Ans. (b). Gibberellic acid

15.  Ans. (a). Sepals

16.  Ans. (b). Deccan peninsular region

17.  Ans. (c). Two genes are showing recessive epistasis

18.  Ans. (b). Skewed sex ratio

19.  Ans. (d). PQ and PC

20.  Ans. (b). Morphallaxis

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