Pycnogonida is a class of sub-phylum Chelicerata of Phylum Arthropoda. They include sea spiders.
Systematic Position:

Sea Spider (source wikipedia)
Kingdom: Animalia
Sub-kingdom: Eumetazoa
Super-phylum: Ecdysosoa
Phylum: Arthropoda
Sub-phylum: Chelicerata
Class 3: Pycnogonida
Identifying characters of Pycnogonida
@. They includes sea spiders
@. Exclusively marine forms
@. Long legs with small body
@. Body consists of cephalothorax and abdomen
@. Abdomen very small (vestigial)
@. Usually abdomen do not bear any appendages
@. Eyes present, dorsally located
@. Eyes simple
@. Usually four pairs of long walking legs
@. Five and six pair legend forms are also present
@. Single celled muscle system which is surrounded by connective tissue
@. Respiratory system usually absent
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