Class Diplopoda of Sub-phylum Myriapoda and Phylum Arthropoda includes Millipedes
Systematic position
Kingdom: Animalia
Sub-kingdom: Eumetazoa
Super-phylum: Ecdysosoa
Phylum: Arthropoda
Sub-phylum: Myriapoda
Class 2 : Diplopoda
Diplopoda Characteristics
Ø They includes millipedes (Thousand legged worms)
Ø Terrestrial habitat
Ø Detritivorous feeders

Millipede : source Wikipedia
Ø Feeds on decaying plant materials
Ø Body is divided into head, thorax and abdomen
Ø They are dignathic with mandibles and gnathochilarium
Ø Gnathochilarium is the chewing (masticatory) organ
Ø Gnathochilarium is formed by the fusion of second maxillae
Ø Trunk segments are diplosegmentic (Diplosegmentic = formed by the fusion of two segments during embryonal development)
Ø Each diplosegment bears two pairs of legs and two pairs of spiracles
Ø Respiration is by tracheae
Ø Excretion is by malpighian tubules
Ø They are progoneate (Progoneate = single genital aperture opens in the anterior part of the trunk)
Ø Development indirect
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