MCQ on Carbohydrates Part-1

Biochemistry MCQ-01: Carbohydrates, one of the most essential classes of biomolecules, are critical for providing energy, building cell structures, and storing information. Understanding the properties and functions of carbohydrates is therefore essential for any student of biochemistry. The present a set of MCQ on Carbohydrates is designed to challenge and expand your knowledge of this fundamental class of this biomolecule.

Learn more: Carbohydrates MCQ Part-2  |  Part-3  |

1. The general chemical formula of carbohydrate is
a.      (CH2O)n
b.      (CH2O)2n

c.       (CHO)n
d.      CnH2nO

2. Which of the following is an aldotriose?
a.      Dihydroxyacetone
b.      Glyceraldehyde

c.       Ribulose
d.      Erythrose

3. What is the molecular formula of sucrose?
a.      C12H22O11
b.      C10H20O10

c.       C6H12O6
d.      C12H20O11

4. The glycosidic linkage between glucose molecule in maltose is
a.      β 1 – 4
b.      α 1 – 2

c.      α 1 – 4
d.      β 1 – 2

Note on Carbohydrates  |  Monosacchrides  |  Disaccharides  |  Polysaccharides  |  Sugar Derivates  |  Glycosaminoglycans  | Glycoconjugates  |

5. A keto pentose will have _____ sterioisomers.

a.      4
b.      6

c.      8
d.     10

6. The reserve food material of green algae is

a.      Laminarin
b.      Chrysolaminarin

c.      Floridian starch
d.      Starch

7. The only carbohydrate which is not having any chiral carbon atom is

a.      Glyceraldehyde
b.      Erythrose

c.      Dihydroxyacetone
d.      Erythrulose

8. Select the odd one from the following.

a.      Arabinose
b.      Xylose

c.      Lyxose
d.      Erythrose

9.  A pentose sugar reported to be present in heart cells

a.      Xylose
b.      Arabinose

c.      Lyxose
d.      Xylulose

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10. Which of the following is an epimeric pair?

a.      D-glucose and D-mannose
b.      D-glucose and D-galactose

c.      D-glucose and L-glucose
d.      Both A and B

11.  Select the odd one from the following

a.      Xylulose
b.      Dihydroxyacetone

c.      Glyceraldehyde
d.      Ribulose

12.  Which of the following sugar give a positive result with Seliwanoff test

a.      Sucrose
b.      Glucose

c.      Galactose
d.      Mannose

13.  Which of the following is a keto tetrose?

a.      Erythrulose
b.      Xylulose

c.      Sorbose
d.      Psicose

14.  The glycosidic linkage between two glucose molecules in isomaltose is

a.      α 1 – 4
b.      β 1 – 4

c.      α 1 – 6
d.      β 1 – 6

15.  Which of the following is an alpha lactone

a.      Vit. C
b.      Vit. D

c.      Vit. A
d.      Vit. K

16.  A sweetener used in sugar less gums and candies

a.      Ribitol
b.      Xylitol

c.      Inositol
d.      Mannitol

17.  The glycosidic linkage in cellobiose is

a.      α 1 – 4
b.      β 1 – 4

c.      α 1 – 6
d.      β 1 – 6

18.  Pick out the odd one from the following

a.      Deoxyribose
b.      Rhamnose

c.      Fucose
d.      Altrose

19.  Lectins are_________.

a.      Sugars specific to proteins
b.      Proteins specific to sugars

c.      Enzymes specific to carbohydrates
d.      Carbohydrates specific to enzymes

20.  Which of the following is a keto triose?

a.      Dihydroxyacetone
b.      Glyceraldehyde

c.      Ribulose
d.      Erythrose

21.  Maltose is a disaccharide of ____

a.      Glucose and galactose
b.      Glucose and glucose

c.      Glucose and lactose
d.      Fructose and lactose

22.  Glycosidic bond in sucrose is____

a.      α 1 – 4
b.      β 1 – 4

c.      α 1 – 2
d.      β 1 – 2

23.  Minimum number of carbon required for a ketose sugar to have cyclic structure is

a.      3
b.      4

c.      5
d.      6

24.  An aldo hexose will have _____ stereoisomers

a.      8
b.      10

c.      14
d.      16

25.  Minimum number of carbon required for a monosaccharide

a.      1
b.      2

c.      3
d.      4

Learn more: Carbohydrates MCQ Part-2  |  Part-3  |

Answers with Explanations

1. Ans. (a) (CH2O)n

Majority of carbohydrates follow this general formula

2. Ans. (b). Glyceraldehyde

3. Ans. (a). C12H22O11

4. Ans. (c). α 1 – 4

Maltose is a disaccharide of two glucose molecules linked by α 1 – 4 glycosidic linkage.

5. Ans. (a). 4

This can be calculated by a formula 2 n, where n will be the number of chiral carbon in the molecule. A keto pentose will have a total of five carbons, among which two carbons will be chiral.

Chiral carbon: An asymmetric carbon, i.e., the four valences of the carbon are satisfied by four different groups or atoms

6. Ans. (d). Starch

Laminarin: reserve food material of brown algae

Chrysolaminarin: reserve food material of diatoms

Floridian starch: reserve food material of red algae

7. Ans. (c). Dihydroxyacetone

All carbohydrates except dihydroxyacetone (a keto triose) will have at least one chiral centre.

8.Ans. (d). Erythrose

Erythrose is an aldo tetrose

Arabinose, Xylose and Lyxose are aldo pentoses

9. Ans. (c). Lyxose

10. Ans (d). Both (a) and (b)

Epimer: Two isomers that differs only in the configuration around a carbon atom.

11. Ans. (c). Glyceraldehyde

Glyceraldehyde is an aldose sugar

Xylulose, Dihydroxyacetone and Ribulose are ketose sugars

12. Ans. (a). Sucrose

Seliwanoff test is used to distinguish aldoses and ketoses. Ketoses give positive test for Seliwanoff test. Sucrose gives Seliwanoff test positive since it contains a fructose moiety which is a ketose sugar.

13. Ans. (a). Erythrulose

Xylulose is a keto pentose

Sorbose and Psicose are keto hexoses

14. Ans. (c). α 1 – 6

Isomaltose is a disaccharide of two glucose molecules connected by α 1 – 6 glycosidic linkage rather than the α-1 – 4 glycosidic linkage in maltose

15. Ans. (a). Vit. C

16. Ans (b). Xylitol

Xylitol, Ribitol, Inositol and Mannitol are sugar alcohols

17. Ans. (b). β 1 – 4

Cellobiose: a reducing disaccharide of glucose molecules connected by β 1 – 4 glycosidic linkage.

18. Ans. (d). Altrose

Altrose: is an aldo hexose sugar

Deoxyribose, Rhamnose and Fucoses are deoxysugars

19. Ans. (b). Proteins specific to sugars

20. Ans. (a). Dihydroxyacetone

21. Ans. (b). Glucose and glucose

22. Ans. (c). α 1 – 2

Sucrose is a non-reducing disaccharide of glucose and fructose connected by α 1 – 2 glycosidic linkage.

23. Ans. (c). 5

Aldose sugars with 4 carbons onwards can form cyclic structures

24. Ans. (d). 16

Use the formula 2 n, where n is the number of chiral carbon atoms. In aldo hexoses there will be four chiral carbons, thus 2 4 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16. Of these 16 isomers 8 will be D form and the remaining 8 will be L form.

25. Ans. (c). 3

It is not possible to form a carbohydrate with 2 carbon atom. Simplest carbohydrates are with three carbon back bone and they are glyceraldehyde (an aldo triose) and dihydroxyacetone (a keto triose).


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