MCQ on Carbohydrates Part-3

Biochemistry MCQ-03: This is the part-3 of the MCQ seriess on Carbohydrates. Here you can get information about some of the rare and unique carbohydrates and their occurence and functions. You may also like: MCQ on Carbohydrates Part-1  |  Part-2  |

1. Which of the following is an example for a trisaccharide?
a.       Verbascose

b.      Stachyose
c.       Raffinose
d.      Sucralose

2. Chrysolaminarin is ________.
a.       A storage polysaccharide of green algae

b.      A storage polysaccharide of brown algae
c.       A storage polysaccharide of red algae
d.      A storage polysaccharide of diatoms

3. Which of the following is an example for an artificial sweetener of saccharide origin?
a.       Sucralose

b.      Saccharin
c.       Stachyose
d.      All of these

Note on Carbohydrates  |  Monosacchrides  |  Disaccharides  |  Polysaccharides  |  Sugar Derivates  |  Glycosaminoglycans  | Glycoconjugates  |

4. In a chemical reaction ‘X’ is able to convert Cu2+ ions to Cu+ ions. If ‘X’ is a carbohydrate, which of the following best explains to be the ‘X’?
a.       ‘X’ is a reducing sugar

b.      ‘X’ is a non-reducing sugar
c.       ‘X’ is a monosaccharide
d.      Both (a) and (b)
e.       Both (a) and (c)

5. Which of the following is a reducing sugar?
a.       Glucose in closed ring form

b.      Glucose in open chain form
c.       Sucrose

6. D-glucose reacts with molecular oxygen (O2) in the presence of the enzyme glucose oxidase to form D-glucono-δ-lactone and ___________.
a.       H2O

b.      H2O2
c.       H2
d.      O3

7. Most prominent carbohydrate component of hemicellulose is
a.       Pectin

b.      Arabinose
c.       Arabinoxylan
d.      Suberin

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8. Which of the following is an example for heteropolysaccharide?
a.       Hyaluronic acid

b.      Gelatin
c.       Glycogen
d.      Both (a) and (b)

9. Glucose on oxidation with bromine water forms
a.       Glucuronic acid

b.      Glucosaccharic acid
c.       Gluconic acid
d.      Mannose

10.  Dextrin is a branched bacterial homo polysaccharide of ________ linked D-glucose with ______ branches.
a.       α-1 – 6 and α-1 – 3

b.      β-1 – 6 and β-1 – 3
c.       β-1 – 6 and α-1 – 3
d.      α-1 – 6 and β-1 – 3

11.  Laminarin is_____
a.       A storage polysaccharide of red algae

b.      A storage polysaccharide of brown algae
c.       A structural polysaccharide of red algae
d.      A structural polysaccharide of brown algae

12.  Which of the following statements are true about agarose?

a. It is a branched polysaccharide
b. It is a linear polysaccharide
c. It is made up of arabinose
d. Agarose is one of the principal components of agar

13. Agar is obtained from green algae

a.       A, B and C
b.      B, C and D
c.       C, D and E
d.      D, E and A

13.  Caramelization of sucrose yields

a.       Glucose
b.      Fructose
c.       Glucose and Fructose
d.      Charcoal

14.  Which of the following reaction is called “Maillard reaction”

a.       Reaction between amino group and hydroxyl group
b.      Reaction between amino group and keto group
c.       Reaction between amino group and aldehyde group
d.      Reaction between amino group and carboxylic group

15.  Bial’s test is used to detect the presence of _____

a.       Triose
b.      Tetrose
c.       Pentose
d.      Hexose

16.  Which of the following animal possess cellulose?

a.       Coelenterates
b.      Sponges
c.       Tunicates
d.      Protozoans

17.  Glucose residues in amylose are linked by

a.       α 1 – 4
b.      β 1 – 4
c.       α 1 – 6
d.      β 1 – 6

18.   Chitin is a_______

a.       Homopolysaccharide of N acetyl glucosamine
b.      Heteropolysaccharide of N acetyl glucosamine and N acetyl muramic acid
c.       A complex polymer of many sugars
d.      A branched homopolysaccharide of N acetyl glucosamine

19.  The branch points of amylopectin are connected by

a.       α 1 – 4
b.      β 1 – 4
c.       α 1 – 6
d.      β 1 – 6

20.  Which of the following is an example for homopolysaccharide?

a.       Cellulose
b.      Starch
c.       Glycogen
d.      All of these

You may also like: MCQ on Carbohydrates Part-1  |  Part-2  |

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Answers with explanations:

1.  Ans. (c). Raffinose

Raffinose: A trisaccharide of galactose, glucose and fructose

Stachyose: A tetrasaccharide of galactose-galactose-glucose-fructose

Sucralose: an artificial sweetener, 1000 times sweeter than sucrose

2.  Ans. (d). A storage polysaccharide of diatoms

3.  Ans. (d). All of these

4.  Ans. (e). Both (a) and (c)

5.  Ans. (b). Glucose in open chain

6.  Ans. (b). H2O2

This reaction is used to accurately determine the blood glucose level.

7.  Ans. (c). Arabinoxylan

8.  Ans. (a). Hyaluronic acid

9.  Ans. (c). Gluconic acid

10. Ans. (a). α-1 – 6 and α-1 – 3

11. Ans. (b). A storage polysaccharide of brown algae

12. Ans. (b). B, C and D

13. Ans. (c). Glucose and Fructose

Charcoal is composed of residual carbon obtained by removing water from biological substances. Sugar charcoal is considered as the purest charcoal.

Caramelization: browning of sugar by gentle heating. Caramelization of sucrose yields glucose and fructose.

14. Ans. (d). Reaction between amino group and carboxylic group

Maillard reaction: reaction between amino acid and reducing sugar. Maillard reaction is responsible for the browning of breads during its baking. In Maillard reaction, the reactive carboxyl group formed by the caramelization of sugar reacts with amino groups of amino acids to form complex mixtures which are responsible for the characteristic odor and flavor of browned foods.

15. Ans. (c). Pentose

16. Ans. (c). Tunicates

Tunicates or Acidian celluloses are historically called as tunicine. The ‘test’ (shell) of tunicates is made up of tunicine.

17. Ans. (a) α 1 – 4

Amylase is the linear, soluble, un-branched portion of starch. Starch is a polymer of D glucose.

18. Ans. (a). Homopolysaccharide of N acetyl glucosamine

Chitin is the structural homo polysaccharide of N-acetyl glucosamine residues linked by β-1,4 glycosidic linkage. Chitin is the second most abundant carbohydrate, the first being the cellulose. Chitin is the characteristic components of the cell wall of fungi and the exoskeletons of arthropods.

19. Ans. (c). α 1 – 6

20. Ans. (d). All of these

Cellulose, starch and glycogen are homo-polysaccharide of glucose. Cellulose is linear, un-branched and the glucose molecules are connected by β-1 – 4 glycosidic linkage. In starch and glycogen, the glucose molecules are linked by α- 1 – 4 glycosidic linkage. Starch and glycogen are branched. The branch points are connected by α- 1 – 6 glycosidic linkage. Glycogen is heavily branched than starch.


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