Kerala PSC Botany Lecturer / Assistant Professor Question Paper: Cat. No. 464/2007: Part 1 (MCQ 010)

Original question paper of Kerala PSC Botany Lecturer/Assistant Professor (Category No. 464/2007) examination conducted by Kerala PSC (Public Service Commission) on 20/06/2009 (Q. Code 196/2009) for the appointment of Botany Lecturer/Assistant Professor in Government Colleges of Kerala under the Directorate of Collegiate Education, Trivandrum, Kerala. Questions are in MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) format.

Part – 1 (Questions 1 – 25) (MCQ 010)

(1).  Simple collateral vascular bundles are found in :

a.       Equisetum
b.       Lycopodium
c.       Pleopteris
d.       Selaginella

(2).  Sort out the branched alga :

a.       Oedogonium  
b.       Spirogyra
c.       Zygnema
d.       Ectocarpus

(3). P-proteins are found in :

a.       Companion cells
b.      Sieve elements
c.       Pith
d.      Vessels

(4). A mutation in a codon leads to the substitution of one amino acid with another. What is the name for this type of mutation?

a.       Nonsense mutation
b.      Missense mutation
c.       Frame-shift mutation
d.      Promoter mutation

(5).  Transfusion tissue in gymnosperm leaves composed of :

a.       Tracheids
b.      Parenchyma cells
c.       Parenchyma and sclerenchyma
d.      Tracheids and parenchyma cells

(6). Homeobox sequences:

a.       Are found in prokaryotes but not in eukaryotes
b.      Were identified as the integration sites for bacterial viruses
c.       Represent integration sites for transposable elements
d.      Are present in the genome of many animal species

(7). Zinc finger proteins and helix-turn-helix proteins are:

a.       Involved in the control of translation
b.      Part of the haemoglobin in blood cells
c.       Bound to transfer RNA during translation
d.      Types of DNA binding proteins

(8). Callose is a :

a.       Disaccharide
b.      Monosaccharide
c.       Protein
d.      Polysaccharide

(9). A homeotic mutation is one which:

a.      Is present in only one form in an individual
b.      Substitutes one body part for another in development
c.       Is wild type at one temperature and abnormal at another
d.      Leads to increased body size in an organism

(10). Assuming that the level of glucose is low, a mutation in the repressor of the lac operon in E. coli, preventing the binding of repressor to the operator, should result in:

a.       Constitutive expression of the lac operon genes
b.      Lack of expression or reduced expression of the lac operon genes under all circumstances
c.       Expression of the genes only when lactose is present
d.      Expression of the genes only when lactose is absent

(11). QTL analysis is used to:

a.       Identify RNA polymerase binding sites
b.      Map genes in bacterial viruses
c.       Determine which genes are expressed at a developmental stage
d.      Identify chromosome regions associated with a complex trait in a genetic cross

(12). Assuming Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, the genotype frequency of heterozygotes, if the frequency of the two alleles at the gene being studied are 0.6 and 0.4, will be:

a.       0.80
b.      0.64
c.       0.48
d.      0.32

(13). RFLP analysis is a technique that:

a.       Uses hybridization to detect specific DNA restriction fragments in genomic DNA
b.      Is used to determine whether a gene is transcribed in specific cells
c.       Is used to detect genetic variation at the protein level
d.      Is used to amplify genes for producing useful products

(14). The alga found in Mollusc shell is

a.       Cladophora
b.       Ulothrix
c.       Chara
d.       Zygnema

(15). After primary growth is mature, elements of the protoxylem are:

a.       Recognized by circular or spiral secondary wall thickening
b.      Transformed into metaxylem
c.       Differentiated into tracheids
d.      Crushed beyond recognition


(16). The semi cells of the desmids remain join together by:

a.       Raphe
b.      Sinus
c.       Isthmus
d.      Plasmodesma

(17). The causative organism of bud rot of coconut is:

a.       Phytopthora palmivora
b.       Phytopthora areca
c.       Phytopthora capsici
d.       Phytopthora infestans

(18). Which of the following mineral element deficiency do not show necrotic symptoms?

a.       Boron
b.      Iron
c.       Chlorine
d.      Nitrogen

(19).  The cytoskeleton of a cell is comprised of:

a.       Cell wall and membranes
b.      Nucleus and cytoplasm
c.       Microtubules and microfilaments
d.      Intrinsic and extrinsic proteins

(20).  A non-membrane organelle:

a.       Ribosome
b.      Dictyosome
c.       Micro-body
d.      Endoplasmic reticulum

(21).  Which is not a characteristic of leucoplasts?

a.       Contain few thylakoids
b.      Contain ribosomes in the stroma in juvenile stage
c.       Contain plastoglobuli
d.      Bounded by a single membrane

(22).  Which structure alone cannot be observed with light microscopy?

a.       Vacuole
b.      Microfilament
c.       Cell wall
d.      Plastid

(23).  Which sequence of progression is correct? (#)

a.       Scalariform pitting – alternate pitting – opposite pitting – annular thickening – helical thickening
b.      Helical thickening – alternate pitting – annular pitting – reticulate pitting – scalariform pitting
c.       Annular thickening – scalariform pitting – reticulate pitting alternate pitting – opposite pitting
d.      Helical thickening – reticulate pitting – scalariform pitting – opposite pitting – alternate pitting

(24). Half-bordered pits are found between:

a.       Ray and axial tracheids
b.      Tracheid and parenchyma cells
c.       Two vessel membranes
d.      Two tracheids

(25). Which are the best features of derived vessel members?

a.       Long, inclined perforation plates, simple openings, no pits
b.      Short, wide cells, simple openings, pits
c.       Long tapered end-walls, pits, reticulate openings
d.      Short, narrow cells, reticulate opening, no pits


Answer key Kerala PSC Botany Lecture# Question removed before the publication of final rank list

Kerala PSC Botany Lecturer Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

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Kerala PSC Botany Lecturer/Asst. Professor Question Paper: Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

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