Environmental Science (Ecology) Ph.D. Entrance Test Question Paper 2015 (Kerala University)

PhD Entrance Test Previous Papers



Time: 140 Minutes                                                  Maximum Marks: 160

Note: Answer any twelve questions from Section B and one question from Section C in the subject concerned. In Section B, each question carries 10 marks. Section C carries 40 marks. In Section B an answer should not exceed 100 words. In Section C, an answer should not exceed 500 words.


(1). Explain the term (1) Water Bloom and (2) Albedo

(2). Explain the methods and importance of conservation of biodiversity.

(3). What is Eutrophication? Discuss about its type and control methods.

(4). What are the consequences of Ozone depletion?

(5). Discuss the different levels of environmental and conservation awareness.

(6). Discuss the hazards associated with radioactive pollutants.

(7). Explain the Indian strategies for water pollution control

(8). Give an account on the Indian air Quality standards.

(9). Discuss in brief the basic components of the environment.

(10).  What is soil erosion? Discuss its causes and consequences.

(11).  Discuss the role of society in conservation of natural resources.

(12).  Explain Acid Rain.

(13).  Explain Photochemical Smog.

(14).  Explain the concept of energy flow in an ecosystem.

(15).  Define Biome. Discuss Tundra Biome and Savanna Biome.

(16).  Write an essay on Hot spots of Biodiversity.


(1). How down different types of pollution affect the biogeochemical cycles of the environment?

(2). Discuss in detail on the impacts of climate change on biodiversity.

(3). Write a detailed account on Indian legislative polices for the protection of environment.

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