Botany Lecturer/Assistant Professor Examination by Kerala PSC 2009 (Cat. No. 464/2007) Part 2 (MCQ 011)

Part – 2 (Questions 26 – 50) (MCQ 011)

(26).  True statements about retro-transposons include which of the following?

I.     They replicate through an RNA intermediate
II.   They utilize reverse transcriptase for replication
III. They may contain introns

a.       I only
b.      III only
c.       I and II
d.      I, II and III

(27).  The most recent common ancestor of all land plants was most similar to modern-day members of which group?

a.       Brown algae
b.      Red algae
c.       Charophyceae
d.      Cyanobacteria

(28).  The type of classification which is also known as Adansonian classification:

a.       Numerical taxonomy
b.      Chemo taxonomy
c.       Molecular taxonomy
d.      None of the above

(29).  Which of the following is characteristic of alternation of generations in land plants?

a.       Meiosis in sporophytes produces haploid spores
b.      Gametophytes produce spores that develop in to gametes
c.       Either the gametophyte or the sporophyte is unicellular
d.      Haploid sporophyte make haploid spores

(30).  Bryophytes have all the following characteristics except:

a.       Multi-cellularity
b.      Lignified vascular tissue
c.       Specialized cells and tissues
d.      A reduced, dependent sporophyte

(31).  The following are all adaptations to life on land except:

a.       Tracheids of vascular xylem
b.      Seeds
c.       Reduced gametophyte generation
d.      Chlorophyll

(32).  A group of organisms at any particular level in a classification system is called:

a.       Taxon
b.      Species
c.       Genus
d.      Phylum

(33).  Which of these should have had gene sequences most similar to the Charophycean that was the common ancestor of the land plants?

a.       Early Angiosperms
b.      Early Gymnosperms
c.       Early Pteridophytes
d.      Early Bryophytes

(34).  Working from deep geologic strata toward shallow geologic strata, what is the sequence in which fossils of these groups should make their first appearance?

1.      Charophyceans
2.      Single celled green algae
3.      Bryophytes
4.      Plants with a dominant sporophyte

a.       3, 1, 2, 4
b.      2, 4, 1, 3
c.       2, 1, 3, 4
d.      1, 3, 2, 4

(35).  Which of the following is not true concerning the sporophyte or gametophyte generations of flowering plants?

a.       The sporophyte generation is dominant
b.      The sporophyte generation is what we see when looking at a large plant
c.       The flower is composed of gametophyte tissue only
d.      The gametophyte generation is not photosynthetic

(36).  Gymnosperms differ from both extinct and extant ferns because they:

a.       Have pollen
b.      Are woody
c.       Have spores
d.      Have macrophylls

(37).  Over human history, which process has been most important in improving the features of plants that have long been used by human as staple foods?

a.       Genetic engineering
b.      Sexual selection
c.       Artificial selection
d.      Pesticide and herbicide application

(38).  Name the structures of seed plants with the proper sex and generation that produced anther:

a.       Male gametophyte
b.      Female gametophyte
c.       Male sporophyte
d.      Female sporophyte

(39).  The fungi that cause athlete’s foot are in the phylum

a.       Zygomycota
b.      Basidiomycota
c.       Deuteromycota
d.      Ascomycota

(40).  The dangers of disposing toxic chemicals underground came to public attention in which of the following locations?

a.       Bhopal, India
b.      Love canal, Newyork
c.       Minamata, Japan
d.      Chernobyl, Ukraine

(41).  X-chromosome inactivation:

a.       Normally takes place in males but not females
b.      Takes place in human so that the same X chromosome is inactive in all of the cells of a female
c.       Occurs in fruit flies but not in mammals
d.      Results in genetically turning off one of the two X chromosomes in female mammals

(42).  Viruses are assigned to the kingdom:

a.       Protista
b.      Fungi
c.       Archae bacteria
d.      None of the above

(43).  Prokaryotic organisms make up the

a.       Eubacteria and Archaebacteria
b.      Archaebacteria, Eubacteria and Protists
c.       Archaebacteria and Protists
d.      Protists and Eubacteria

(44).  Which chemical below would you not find in phospholipid?

a.       C
b.      O
c.       H
d.      N


(45).  Totonym is a name which:

a.       Species name exactly repeats the genus name
b.      When more than one name is attributed to a plant
c.       Same name given to different plants
d.      A name without Latin description

(46).  Which is not considered as the immediate probable ancestor of angiosperms?

a.       Coniferales
b.       Pteridospermales
c.       Bennettitales
d.      Primofilicales

(47).  Aggregate fruits develop from:

a.       Apocarpus pistil of a single flower
b.      Syncarpous pistil of a single flower
c.       Apocarpous pistil of an inflorescence
d.      Syncarpous pistil of an inflorescence

(48).  Linnaeus system of classification is based on:

a.       Habit and habitat
b.      Vegetative characters
c.       Sexual characters
d.      Total characters

(49).  Hesperidium is the characteristic fruit of the family:

a.       Malvaceae
b.      Meliaceae
c.       Graniaceae
d.      Rutaceae

(50).  Bond angle of H-O-H is:

a.       104.5o
b.      105.4o
c.       104o
d.      105o

Original question paper of Kerala PSC Botany Lecturer/Assistant Professor (Category No. 464/2007) examination conducted by Kerala PSC (Public Service Commission) on 20/06/2009 (Q. Code 196/2009) for the appointment of Botany Lecturer/Assistant Professor in Government Colleges of Kerala under the Directorate of Collegiate Education, Trivandrum, Kerala. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions format)


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