MCQ on Lipids

Biochemistry MCQ-09: Lipids are a broad class of biomolecules that are insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents like ethanol, chloroform, and ether. They are an essential component of all living cells and play a variety of important roles in the body. Lipids can be obtained from the diet, but they can also be synthesized by the body. A diet high in saturated and trans fats can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, while a diet high in unsaturated fats can have health benefits. This MCQ on Lipids and Fats will help you to understand the biochemistry and functions of lipids.

Learn more: MCQ on Membrane Lipids  MCQ on Fatty Acids

(1). Which of the following molecule can act as molecular chaperons for assisting the folding of proteins?
        a.      Carbohydrates
        b.      Vitamins
        c.       Lipids
        d.      Amides

(2). Which of the following macro-molecule can be most structurally diverse among living world?
       a.      Carbohydrates
       b.      Proteins
       c.       Nucleic acids
       d.      Lipids

(3). Fat storing cells of vertebrates are called
       a.      Hepatocytes
       b.      Asterocytes
       c.       Adipocytes
       d.      Melanocytes

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(4). The enzyme abundantly distributed in adipocytes and germinating seeds are
      a.      Proteases
      b.      Lipase
      c.       Cellulase
      d.      Nuclease

mcq on lipids(Source wikidpedia)

(5). Rancidity of lipids of lipid rich food stuffs is due to:
       a.      Hydrogenation of unsaturated fatty acids
       b.      Reduction of fatty acids
       c.       Oxidation of fatty acids
       d.      Dehydrogenation of saturation fatty acids

(6). Main function of preen glands in birds is

a.      Hormone secretion
b.      Fatty acid degradation
c.       Wax secretion
d.      Pigment synthesis

(7). Which of the following statement is true

a.      Oxidative rancidity is observed more frequently in animal fats than vegetable fats
b.      Oxidative rancidity is observed more frequently in vegetable fats than animal fats
c.       Plants fats ado not undergo oxidative rancidity
d.      Oxidative rancidity can be effectively checked by dehydrogenation of fatty acids

(8). Number of milligrams of KOH required to neutralize fatty acid present in 1 g of fat is called

a.      Potassium number
b.      Acid number
c.       Saponification number
d.      Iodine number

(9). Saponification number is the number of milligrams of KOH required to saponify 1 g fat. Which of the following statement is true about saponification number?

a.       The shorter is the chain length of fatty acids the higher is the saponification number
b.      The shorter is the chain length of fatty acids, the lower will be the saponification number
c.       The higher the chain saturation of fatty acid, the lower will be saponification number
d.      The lower is the saturation of fatty acid, the higher will be saponification number

(10).  The degree of unsaturation of lipid can be measured as ____________.

a.      Saponification number
b.      Iodine number
c.       Polenske number
d.      Reichert Meissil Number

Fat triglyceride shorthand formula

(11).  The number of OH group in fats can be expressed as _____________.

a.      Polenske number
b.      Reichert-Meissil number
c.       Acetyl number
d.      Iodine number

(12).  Polenske value of fatty acid indicates __________.

a.      How much unsaturation is there in the fatty acid
b.      Level of saturation in the fatty acid
c.       Indication of branching of fatty acid in the fat
d.      How much volatile fatty acid can be extracted through saponification

(13).  Which of the following is an example for derived lipids?

a.      Steroids
b.      Terpenes
c.       Carotenoids
d.      All of these

(14).  Naturally occurring fats are ______

a.      L types
b.      D types
c.       An equi-molar mixture of L and D types
d.      Symmetric

(15).  Generally fats with unsaturated fatty acids are ____________ at room temperature (25oC)

a.      Solid
b.      Liquid
c.       Liquid in the presence of oxygen
d.      Liquid in the absence of oxygen

Honey comb

Honey Comb Made of Bee Wax (source wikipedia)

(16).  Carnauba wax is an example for __________

a.      Liquid wax
b.      Soft wax
c.       Hard wax
d.      Archaebacterial wax

(17).  Specific gravity of lipid is________.

a.      0.2
b.      0.8
c.       1.0
d.      1.5

(18).  Greater the number of carbon atom in chain of fatty acid __________

a.      The boiling point will be higher
b.      The boiling point will be lesser
c.       The melting point will be higher
d.      The melting point will be lower

(19).  Dietary fats are transported as

a.      Chylomicrons
b.      Liposomes
c.       Lipid globules
d.      Oil droplets

(20).  Beta-oxidation of fatty acids takes place at

a.      Peroxisome
b.      Mitochondria
c.       Mitochondria and Peroxisome
d.      Mitochondria, Peroxisome and ER

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MCQ on Lipids

Answer key and explanation

1. Ans. (c). Lipids

Chaperons are the biomolecules which assists the folding of proteins. Proteins are the common chaperons in the cells. Very rarely some lipids also acts as molecular chaperon

2. Ans. (d). Lipids

3. Ans. (c). Adipocytes

There are two types of adipocytes: white adipocytes which store white fat and brown adipocytes which stores brown fat. White adipocytes are large and univacuolar containing a single large droplet of lipid surrounded by a thin layer of cytoplasm. The brown adipocytes are plurivauolar containing many lipid droplets and plenty of cytoplasm.

4. Ans. (b). Lipase

Lipase enzyme hydrolyzes the ester bond between glycerol and fatty acid in a fat (lipid) and yield free fatty acids and glycerol. The liberated fatty acid can enter in the beta-oxidation and can yield Acetyl Co-A. Acetyl Co-A can enter into Kreb’s cycle and can yield ATP (energy). Germinating seeds and adipocytes contains fat as reserved food materials.

Human Pancreatic Lipase (HPL) is the lipase enzyme which catalyze the hydrolyze of dietary lipids.

5. Ans. (c). Oxidation of fatty acids

Oxidative breakdown of fats (fatty acids) by the atmospheric oxygen cause rancidity of lipids. The oxidation of lipids generates volatile short chain aldehydes and ketones which have very offensive smell.

6. Ans. (c). Wax secretion

Preen gland is also called as uropygial gland or oil glands, which are found in birds. Preen glands secrete oil called preen oil which is used to coat over the feathers, beaks and body parts.

7. Ans. (a). Oxidative rancidity is observed more frequently in animal fats than vegetable fats

8. Ans. (b). Acid number

9. Ans. (a). The shorter is the chain length of fatty acids the higher is the saponification number

10.  Ans. (b). Iodine number

11.  Ans. (c). Acetyl number

12.  Ans. (d). How much volatile fatty acid can be extracted through saponification

13.  Ans. (d). All of these

Derived lipids are lipids derived from simple or compound lipids by hydrolysis.

14.  Ans. (a) L-type

15.  Ans. (b). Liquid

Unsaturation of fatty acid cause a kink in the chain which disturb the compact packing of molecules and thus fats containing unsaturated fatty acids will be liquid at room temperature

16.  Ans. (c). Hard wax

Carnauba wax is also called as Brazil wax and palm wax, is a wax obtained from a palm namely Copernicia prunifera

17.  Ans. (b). 0.8

Density of water is 1 (exactly 0.9982). Since the density of fat is less than water, fats float over the water.

18.  Ans. (c). The melting point will be higher

19.  Ans. (a). Chylomicrons

20.  Ans. (b). Mitochondria


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