MCQ on Ecosystems with Answers

An ecosystem is a complex network of living organisms, their physical environment, and the interactions between them. It encompasses a community of plants, animals, and microorganisms, as well as the surrounding air, water, soil, and other abiotic factors. Ecosystems exhibit a delicate balance and provide vital services for life on Earth. This Ecosystem MCQ will help you to understand the components of an ecosystem.

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(1). The natural place where the organism or communities live is known as:
a.       Niche
b.      Habit
c.       Habitat
d.      Biome

(2). Any features of an organism or its part which enable it to exist under conditions of its habitat is known as:
a.       Adaptive variation
b.      Adjustment
c.       Acclimatization
d.      Adaptation

(3). According to Shelford’s low of tolerance, an organism with wide tolerance limit for environmental factor usually show:
a.       Wide distribution with low population size
b.      Wide distribution with high population size
c.       Narrow distribution with low population size
d.      Narrow distribution with high population size

(4). Plants which grow under direct sunlight and those growing under shade are called as _______ and _______ respectively.
a.       Heliophytes and Sciophytes
b.      Sciophytes and Heliophytes
c.       Psamophytes and Heliophytes
d.      Heliophytes and Psamophytes

(5). Plants which blooms when the light duration is more than 12 hours per day is known as:
a.       Long day plants
b.      Short day plants
c.       Day neutral plants
d.      Long day and short night plants

(6). Which of the following is not a characteristic of Heliophytes?
a.       Long lateral roots
b.      Numerous rootlets
c.       Stem with long inter-nodes
d.      Vigorous flowering and fruiting

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(7). The process of vernalization (induction of flowering by cold treatment) is effective in ______
a.       Hot countries
b.      Cold countries
c.       Only in tropical countries
d.      Only in sub-tropical countries

(8). The plant of cold or temperate habitat require low temperature for their growth are called:
a.       Megatherms
b.      Mesotherms
c.       Microtherms
d.      Ekistotherms

(9). In thermal stratification where the water body is divided into several layers, the middle region which shows vertical temperature change are called:
a.       Epilimnion
b.      Mesolimnion
c.       Hypolimnion
d.      Metalimnion

(10). In a pond ecosystem, the bottom area where the production is lesser than the respiration (P/R <1) is termed as:
a.       Limnetic zone
b.      Profundal zone
c.       Benthic zone
d.      Tidal zone

11. The water vapour present in the unit volume of air is called:
a.       Relative humidity
b.      Static humidity
c.       Absolute humidity
d.      Total humidity

12. The most probable vegetation in an area which receives 60 to 120 cm annual rain fall will be:
a.       Semi-arid grass land
b.      Dry subtropical grassland or savanna
c.       Humid subtropical forest
d.      Tropical rainforest

13.  The percentage of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is:
a.       20.95 % and 0.04%
b.      20.0% and 0.40%
c.       20.95% and 0.004%
d.      20.0% and 0.44%

14.  Which of the following is not a characteristic of ‘r’ selected species
a.       Produce large number of progenies
b.      Reproduce quickly
c.       Low survival rate of progenies
d.      Parental care

15.  The amount of organic matter present at a given time per unit area is called:
a.       Standing crop
b.      Standing quality
c.       Carbon content
d.      Carbon foot-print

MCQ on Ecosystem Part – 2

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Answer key and explanations

1. Ans. (c). Habitat

2. Ans. (d). Adaptation

3. Ans. (b). Wide distribution with high population size

4. Ans. (a). Heliophytes and Sciophytes

Psamphytes: Plants growing on sand

5. Ans. (a). Long day plants

Long day plants are also called as short night plants

6. Ans. (c). Stem with long inter-nodes

Heliophytes are plants growing under direct sunlight. They produce short inter-nodes

7. Ans. (b). Cold countries

8. Ans. (c). Microtherms

9. Ans. (d). Metalimnion

10. Ans. (b). Profundal zone

11. Ans. (c). Absolute humidity

12. Ans. (c). Humid sub-tropical forest

13. Ans. (a). 20.95 % and 0.04%

14. Ans. (d). Parental care

15. Ans. (a). Standing crop

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      You are absolutely correct
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