Anatomical Difference between Dicot (Dorsiventral) Leaf and Monocot (Isobilateral) Leaf – Comparison Table

Dicot leaves are also called as dorsiventral leaves because they possess distinct dorsal and ventral sides. Monocot leaves are called isobilateral leaves since both the sides of monocot leaves are more or less similar. Dicot and monocot leaves show considerable differences both in their morphological and anatomical characteristics. The present post discusses the Difference between Dicot and Monocot Leaf with a Comparison Table. (Difference between Dorsiventral and Isobilateral Leaf)

Difference between Dorsiventral and Isobilateral Leaf

Difference between Dorsiventral and Isobilateral Leaf

Sl. No.Dicot Leaf
Dorsiventral Leaf
Monocot Leaf
Isobilateral Leaf
1Dicot leaves are dorsiventralMonocot leaves are isobilateral
2Upper surface of the leaf is dark green and the lower surface is light greenBoth the surfaces of the leaf are equally green
3Epidermal cells are not silicified (silica deposition absent)Epidermal cells are silicified (heavy deposition of silica)
4Bulliform (motor) cells absent in the epidermisBulliform cells are present
5Leaves usually hypostomatic (stomata present on the lower surface of the leaf)Leaves usually amphistomatic (stomata present on both the surface of leaf)
6Stomata are arranged randomly on the epidermisStomata are arranged in parallel rows in the epidermis
Stomatastomat structureDumbbel shaped stomata
7Stomatal guard cells are kidney-shapedStomatal guard cells are dumb-bell shaped
Guard CellStructure of stomataGuard cells in monocot stomata
8Mesophyll is differentiated into palisade and spongy tissuesMesophyll undifferentiated (composed of loosely packed isodiametric cells with intercellular spaces)
MesophyllDicot leaf under microscopeMonocot Leaf under Microcope
9Leaf veins are reticulateLeaf veins are parallel
10Protoxylem elements are indistinguishableProtoxylem elements are distinguishable as protoxylem lacuna
11Bundle sheath with single layer of cellsBundle sheath with single or multiple layers
12Bundle sheath cells usually lack chloroplastBundle sheath cells usually possess chloroplasts
13Bundle sheath extension is parenchymatousBundle sheath extension is sclerenchymatous
14Lower portion of the mid-rib is collenchymatousLower portion of mid-rib is sclerenchymatous

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