Ecology NEET Questions with Answer Key

Ecology is the scientific study of the relationships between organisms and their environment. It explores how living organisms interact with each other and their physical surroundings, focusing on topics such as population dynamics, biodiversity, energy flow, and ecological processes. This MCQ on Ecology NEET Questions will help you to understand the concept of Ecology and Environment.

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1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of population?
a.       Sex ratio
b.      Natality
c.       Mortality
d.      Stratification

2. Which decade has been designated as the ‘Decade of Biodiversity’ by United Nations?
a.       2021-2030
b.      2011-2020
c.       2001-2010
d.      1991-2000

3. Decomposers which specifically act on the fecal matter of other organisms are called as:
a.       Heterophagic
b.      Allophagic
c.       Coprophagic
d.      Paraphagic

4. In a pond ecosystem, the top area where the production is greater than respiration (P/R >1) is termed as:
a.      Limnetic zone
b.      Profundal zone
c.       Benthic zone
d.      Tidal zone

5. Which of the following bacteria is NOT involved in the nitrification process during nitrogen cycle?
a.       Nitrosomonas
b.      Nitococcus
c.       Bacillus ramosus
d.      Nitrospira

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6. Which of the following is a ‘K’ selected species?
a.       Grass
b.      Aspergillus
c.       Human
d.      Taraxacum

7. Which of the following is NOT a denitrifying bacteria
a.       Thiobacillus
b.      Pseudomonas aeruginosa
c.       Thiobacillus denitrificans
d.      Bacillus ramosus

8. Pick out the odd one
a.       Oxygen cycle
b.      Phosphorous cycle
c.       Carbon cycle
d.      Nitrogen cycle

9. The energy flow in an ecosystem is:
a.       In any direction
b.      Always unidirectional
c.       Always bi-directional
d.      Always down-directional

10.  The term ‘allelopathy’ describes:
a.       Inhibition of the sporulation of pathogen by the host
b.      Inhibition of growth of one species by another by producing toxins
c.       Inhibiting the growth of one species by another by preventing reproduction
d.      Altering the reproductive cycle of one organism by another

11.  Animals that consume both plant and animal matter are referred as:

a.       Carnivores
b.      Omnivores
c.       Omnio-carnivores
d.      Necromorphs

12.  The ratio between energy flows at different points along the food chain is called:

a.       Ecological efficiency
b.      Ecological capacity
c.       Ecological potential
d.      Ecological assimilation

13.  Species with wide geographical ranges which develop locally adapted populations are known as:

a.       Ecological species
b.      Ecotypes
c.       Ecophenes
d.      Sub-species

14.  Lincoln index is used to measure:

a.       Population size
b.      Population mortality rate
c.       Population natality rate
d.      Population density

15.  The ability of a population of living species to increase under ideal environmental conditions is called:

a.       Biotic potential
b.      Carrying capacity
c.       Natality
d.      Absolute natality

MCQ on Ecosystem Part – 1

Answer Key and Explanations

1. Ans. (d). Stratification

2. Ans. (b). 2011 – 2020

3. Ans. (c). Coprophagic

4.  Ans. (a). Limnetic zone

5.  Ans. (c). Bacillus ramosus

6.  Ans. (c). Human

7. Ans. (d). Bacillus ramosus

8. Ans. (b). Phosphorous cycle

9.  Ans. (b). Always unidirectional

10.  Ans. (b). Inhibition of growth of one species by another by producing toxins

11.  Ans. (b). Omnivores

12.  Ans. (a). Ecological efficiency

13.  Ans. (b). Ecotypes

14.  Ans. (d). Population density

15.  Ans. (a). Biotic potential

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