Tropic vs Nastic Movments

Difference between Tropic and Nastic Movements

Tropic Movements vs Nastic Movements Difference between Tropic and Nastic Movement: Tropic movements and Nastic movements are the two types of induced or paratonic movements of curvature in plants. Tropic movements: The paratonic (induced) movement of growth is called tropic movements. Here the stimuli are external and unidirectional. Example: phototropic movements (movement towards the light) […]

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What is Data or Variable

What is Data in Statistics?

What is ‘data’ or ‘variable’? Ø  Data is a set of values of qualitative or quantitative variables. Ø  In biostatistics (also in statistics) data are the individual observations. Ø  The scientific investigations involve observations on variables. Ø  The observations made on these variables are obtained in the form of ‘data’. Ø  Variable is a quantity […]

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Phase Contrast Microscopy PPT

Phase Contrast Microscope PPT  | What is Phase Contrast Microscope? What are the limitations of ordinary light microscope? Who invented the phase contrast microscope? What is the working principle of phase contrast microscope? What are the optical components of phase contrast microscope? What is the importance of Annular Diaphragm and Phase Plate in phase contrast […]

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