Southern Blotting MCQ

MCQ on Southern Blotting Principles and Applications

Southern blotting is a molecular biology technique used to detect specific DNA sequences in a sample. It involves digesting DNA, electrophoresis, transferring the DNA to a membrane, and then using a labeled probe to hybridize and identify the target DNA sequence. This technique is named after its inventor, Edwin Southern. This is an MCQ on […]

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MCQ on pBR322

MCQ on pBR322: Structure and Applications

pBR322 is a well-known plasmid DNA used in molecular biology and biotechnology. It was one of the first plasmids developed for cloning and genetic engineering. pBR322 contains genes for antibiotic resistance and multiple cloning sites, making it a valuable tool for DNA manipulation and recombinant DNA studies. This is an MCQ on pBR322 plasmid – […]

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short notes on vaccines

Vaccines: What You Need to Know for a Healthy Future

Vaccines are one of the most significant medical breakthroughs in the history of public health. They have saved countless lives, prevented the spread of devastating diseases, and played a pivotal role in improving the quality of life for individuals and communities. In this essay (Notes on Vaccines), we will explore the principles, importance, and controversies […]

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how to calculate impact factor

Journal Impact Factor: Uses, Significance and Limitations

Impact Factor (IF) of a journal is a widely recognized metric used in the academic and scientific community to measure the influence and prestige of scholarly publications. Developed by Eugene Garfield in the 1950s, the Impact Factor has become a standard tool for evaluating journals and their contributions to their respective fields. This article explores […]

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what is h index of a journal

H-index: A Measure of Scholarly Impact

The H-index, also known as the Hirsch index is a widely used bibliometric indicator used to measure the impact and productivity of a researchers in various academic and scientific disciplines. It is named after its creator Jorge E. Hirsch. H-index provides a quantitative measure of a researcher’s scholarly output and influence, capturing both the number […]

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