biological chemistry

Artemisinin: A Wonder Phyto-drug Against Malarial Parasite: Plasmodium falciparum; & Nobel Prize Winning Contribution of Prof. Youyou Tu, China (Nobel Prize 2015: Physiology and Medicine)

. Artemisinin is an anti-malarial parasite drug extracted from a Chinese medicinal plant called sweet wormwood (Artemisia annua; Asteraceae family). It is also known as qinghaosu in Chinese and it is the most rapid acting drug currently available against the malarial parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. The 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine is shared by William C. Campbell, Satoshi Omura […]

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Zoology lecture notes and study materials

Difference Between Centipedes and Millipedes (Chilopoda Vs Diplopoda)

.Centipedes and millipedes are coming under the sub-phylum Myriapoda of the phylum Arthropoda. Similarities of centipedes and millipedes Ø  Both coming under the sub-phylum Myriapoda Ø  All are terrestrial arthropods Ø  Body divided into head and trunk Ø  Bears many legs Ø  Single pair of antennae Ø  Sensory Tömösváry organs present below the antennae Ø  Eyes simple Ø  Mouth part […]

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Zoology lecture notes and study materials

Phylum Arthropoda Characteristics

Arthropoda is a largest Phylum of Kingdom Animalia, includes about 80% of all known animal species in the biosphere including terrestrial and aquatic biomes. The phylum includes insects, crustaceous, centipedes, millipedes, spiders etc. The word Arthropoda is derived from two Greek words, ‘arthro’ = joint and ‘podo’ = foot. Phylum Arthropoda is characterized by: @. Segmented body plan @. Paired […]

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Free Net Life Science Study Materials

CSIR JRF NET Life Sciences December Model Questions (02)

(1). Arabidopsis and rice have diploid chromosome number of 10 and 24, respectively. Assuming no crossing over taking place, genetic variation among F2 individuals in a genetic cross is likely to be: a. Same in both species but not zero b. More in Arabidopsis c. More in rice d. Zero in both the species (2). In tryptophan operon, tryptophan acts […]

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Free Net Life Science Study Materials

Sample Paper for CSIR NET Life Science

(1). A electron microscope has higher resolution as compared to the light microscope. This is because: a. The wavelength of an electron is longer than the wavelength of light b. The wavelength of an electron is shorter than the wavelength of light c. The electrons can penetrate the sample better d. They use different stains (2). Nucleolus is involved in […]

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