MCQ on Electron Transport System for NEET 2024
The electron transport system (ETS) is a series of protein complexes and electron carriers in the inner mitochondrial membrane that transfer electrons from NADH and […]
The electron transport system (ETS) is a series of protein complexes and electron carriers in the inner mitochondrial membrane that transfer electrons from NADH and […]
The CAM (Crassulacean Acid Metabolism) cycle is a photosynthetic adaptation in some plants allowing them to fix CO₂ at night, storing it as malic acid. […]
The C4 cycle (Hatch and Slack Pathway) is a photosynthetic process in some plants where CO₂ is initially fixed into a four-carbon compound. This adaptation […]
Photorespiration is a process in plants where the enzyme RuBisCO oxygenates RuBP, leading to the release of CO₂ instead of its fixation. This occurs when […]
The Calvin cycle, also known as the C3 cycle, is a process in photosynthesis where carbon dioxide is converted into organic compounds like glucose. It […]
Cyanobacteria PPT | Blue Green Algae PPT (BGA) | General Characteristics of Cyaobacteria | Cyanobacteria Notes | Great Oxidation Event | How Cyanobacteria differ from […]
What is Shine Dalgarno Sequence? The Shine Dalgarno sequence aka SD Sequece is a ribosomal binding site in bacterial and archaeal mRNA. Usually, it is […]
Koch’s postulates are four criteria developed by Robert Koch to establish a causal relationship between a microorganism and a disease. They include isolating the microbe, […]
Molecular chaperones are proteins that assist in the proper folding, assembly, and stabilization of other proteins. They prevent misfolding and aggregation, guide proteins to their […]