Time: 140 Minutes Maximum Marks: 160
Note: Answer any twelve questions from Section B and one question from Section C in the subject concerned. In Section B, each question carries 10 marks. Section C carries 40 marks. In Section B an answer should not exceed 100 words. In Section C, an answer should not exceed 500 words.
(1). Write notes on: (a). Mitotic spindle, (b). Pasteurization, (c). Noncompetitive inhibition
(2). Explain the role of plant tissue culture in secondary metabolite production.
(3). Explain different models of plasma membrane.
(4). What is PCR? Explain briefly different types of PCR. Write two applications of PCR.
(5). Describe the structural composition of gram positive bacteria. How it is different from that of gram negative bacteria?
(6). What are GMOs? Add a not on Bt cotton.
(7). Define:
(a). Mycoplasma
(b). Archaebacteria
(c). Tyntalization
(d). Bioremediation
(8). Differentiate between BOD and COD.
(9). What are molecular markers? Describe the different types of markers used for genome analysis.
(10). What is ELISA? Comment on its significance.
(11). Describe lab diagnosis of tuberculosis.
(12). Elaborate the different gene transfer techniques in genetic transformation
(13). Write notes on microbial leaching of ores.
(14). Direct organogenesis is usually preferred for creating genetically uniform plants rather than callus mediated organogenesis. Why?
(15). Define:
(a). Drug
(b). Antibiotics
(c). Oncogenes
(d). Vaccine
(16). What are endospores? Describe various stages of sporulation in bacterium.
(17). Explain the significance of genome projects with a suitable example.
(18). Write note on:
(a). AFLP
(b). HPLC
(19). Explain in detail eukaryotic transcription
(20). How are microbial population numbers determined? Add note on the advantages and disadvantages of the technique.
(21). How can you isolate enteric pathogens of medicinal importance?
(22). Distinguish between:
(a). Repression and feedback inhibition
(b). cDNA library and Genomic Library
(23). Virulence in bacterial pathogens is increased by capsules. Is this statement true? Discuss.
(24). Explain the process of production of natural and biosynthetic β lactam antibiotics.
(1). Propose a project for research work on the topic “Bioactive screening of antimicrobial compounds from a medicinal plant” Prepare the proposal highlighting the genesis, objectives, methodology and expected outcome.
(2). Design a project proposal including objectives, methodology, expected outcome and future prospects on “Isolation and Strain improvement of chitinase producing microorganisms”.
(3). “Cloning and characterization of abiotic stress resistance gene from cowpea”. You are directed to work on the above said topic for your Ph. D. work. Submit a project proposal for the same highlighting the major objectives, methodology and future prospects.
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