October, 2015
@. SRF Notification at IARI (Indian Agricultural Research Institute): 31 Vacancies
@. Project Fellow Vacancy at CFTRI (15 Vacancies)
@. SRF at Central Costal Agricultural Research Institute, Goa
@. IFGTB RA/JRF and Project Fellow Vacancy
@. JRF Vacancy at ARI (Agharkar Research Institute)
@. Research Associate at National Institute of Immunology
@. RA/SRF/JRF Vacancy at Banarus Hindu University
@. SRF Vacancy (2) at Banaras Hindu University
@. JRF Vacancy (1) at Banarus Hindu University
@. SRF Vacancy at IARI, ICAR (Molecular Breeding)
@. Project Fellow at Indian Institute of Toxicological Research
@. SRF at ICAAR, IARI (Insect Molecular Biology)
@. Research Associate (2 posts) at ICMR (in Medicinal Plants)
@. ILS (Institute of Life Sciences) Bhubaneswar RA Vacancy
@. SRF at Central University Punjab in Micro RNA
@. Project Fellow at Central University, Himachal Pradesh
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