Pteridospermales (Cycadofilicales) Characters, Classification and Affinities
Cycadofilicales / Pteridospermales Ø Pteridospermales are a group of Fossil Gymnosperms. Ø They are also called as Cycadofilicales (Chamberlain used the term). Ø As the […]
Cycadofilicales / Pteridospermales Ø Pteridospermales are a group of Fossil Gymnosperms. Ø They are also called as Cycadofilicales (Chamberlain used the term). Ø As the […]
Pteridophytes vs Gymnosperms Pteridophytes Pteridophytes are a group of primitive land plants belongs to Cryptogams. They are the first plant group with vascular tissue for […]
Classification of Gymnosperms by Chamberlain: Classification of Gymnosperms, Outline of the history of Classification of Gymnosperms, Chamberlain System of Classification of Gymnosperms, Class Cycadophyt and […]
There are many systems for the classification of Gymnosperms in the literature. Robert Brown (1827) for the first time recognized Gymnosperms as a separate group […]
Gymnosperms PPT: What are Gymnosperms? Characteristics of Gymnosperms, Morphology of Gymnosperms, Reproduction of Gymnosperms, Anatomy of Gymnosperms, Male Cone and Female Cone, Microsporophyll and Megasporophyll, […]
Gymnosperms are primitive seed-producing plants of Spermatophytes (Phanerogams). They are ‘Naked-Seed’ Plants. The term is derived from two Greek words: ‘gymnos’ meaning naked and ‘sperma’ […]