First Semester
[Common for the Programmes of B.Sc. Botany Model I., Model II and B.Sc. Botany and Biotechnology (Double Core)]
Time: Three Hrs., Maximum Weight: 25
Part A (Objective Type Questions)
Answer all questions
Each bunch of four questions carries a weight of 1 (4 X 1 = 4)
I. Fill in the blanks:
1. Bits of information collected by scientists during experiments are known as ________.
2. 10 gm of sugar dissolved in 1000 ml of water is ______________ percent sugar solution.
3. _____________ and ______________ proposed the cell theory.
4. Chromosomes are the carriers of _______________.
II. State True or False:
5. Differentiated plant body is called thallus.
6. The predominant phase in Pteridophyte life cycle is the sporophyte.
7. Synthesized food in plants is trans-located through phloem.
8. 1/1000 of a millimeter is 1 nano meter.
III. Match the following:
9. Stomata – Water conduction
10. Mitosis – Growth
11. Xylem – Leaf
12. Lichen – Wood
– Symbiosis
– Transpiration
IV. Name the following:
13. Cell division that produces gametes during sexual reproduction in living organism.
14. A tentative explanation for some phenomena that have been observed.
15. The power house in the living cells.
16. Primitive cells lacking a definite chromosomes and thru nucleus.
Part B
Write short answers on any five of the following
Each question carries a weight of 1. (5 x 1 = 5)
17. What is the need of a control set during experiments?
18. Give the name of two chemical substances obtained from plants.
19. State the significance of sexual reproduction in nature.
20. What was the contribution of Watson and Crick in biological science?
21. Define alternation of generation.
22. What are epiphytic plants? Give an example.
23. What are the types of nucleic acids seen in organisms?
24. Why green plants are called autotrophic?
Part C
Write Short Essays of the following, Answer any four questions,
Each question carries a weight of 2 (4 X 2 = 8)
25. Explain the need of design and replication in experiments.
26. What are the importances of green plants to animal world?
27. Explain the variation in pigments found in algae.
28. Draw the schematic diagram of a typical Bryophyte life cycle.
29. Explain the general characters of lichen.
30. Briefly explain the types of nitrogenous bases seen in nucleic acids.
Part D
Write essays of the following, Answer any two questions
Each question carries a weight of 4 (2 X 4 = 8)
31. Describe how you could distinguish dicotyledons from monocotyledons? Add a note on the evolutionary trend seen in the plant kingdom.
32. Explain the series of steps to be followed and elements to be incorporated in your project work and project report.
33. Discuss how Pteridophytes succeeded to live in the land habitat than other lower cryptogams. Give the schematic diagram of a typical Pteridophyte life cycle.