Third Semester
Complementary Course – Botany
(For B.Sc. Zoology Programme – Model I)
Time: Three Hours Maximum: 60 Marks
Part A (Short answer questions)
Answer all questions
Each questions carries 1 mark (8 X 1 = 8 marks)
1. Expand ICBN.
2. What is the standard size of a herbarium sheet?
3. What is an Umbel?
4. What is perigyny?
5. Name a family with apocarpous, superior and polypetalous flowers.
6. What is pistillode?
7. Give the scientific name and family of coffee.
8. What is the morphology of coir?
Part B (Brief Answer question)
Answers any Six of the following
Each question carries 2 mark (6 x 2 = 12 marks)
9. What is vasculum?
10. What is a cypsela?
11. What is a legume?
12. Differentiate between epigyny and perigyny.
13. Mention the peculiarity of the stamens in Compositae.
14. List out any four distinguishing characters of Apiaceae
15. Mention the scientific names of any two trees of Mimosaceae.
16. Which are the oil yielding parts of coconut and ground nut.
17. Mention the scientific name and morphology of useful part of cotton.
18. Mention any two alkaloids obtained from Catharanthus.
Part C (Problem/Derivations)
Answer any four questions
Each question carries 4 marks (4 X 4 = 16 marks)
19. Describe the structure of cyathium inflorescence.
20. Write a short note binomial nomenclature.
21. Give a brief account of cyto-taxonomy.
22. List out the distinguishing characters of Malvaceae
23. Write a short note on the cereals crops studied by you.
24. Give the binomial of the following:
a. Teak
b. Rubber
c. Tapioca
d. Green gram
Part D (Long answer/Problem questions)
Answer any two questions
Each question carries 12 marks (12 X 2 = 24 marks)
25. Outline Bentham and Hooker’s system of classification and mention the merits and demerits of the system.
26. Compare the three subfamilies of Leguminosae
27. Enlist the distinguishing characters of Apocynaceae.
28. Mention the binomial, family, morphology of the useful pars and uses of any six medicinal plants.
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