Angiosperm Taxonomy Economic Botany Anatomy Ecology and Applied Botany April 2009 Sub

Faculty of Sciences
Part III – Subsidiary Botany
Time: Three Hours; Maximum: 48 Marks

Section A (Taxonomy)

I. Answer any four of the following: (4 X 1 = 4 marks)

1. To which family coffee plants belongs?
2. Give the botanical name of cotton.
3. What is dioecious condition?
4. In which family interpetiolar stipules are seen?
5. What is adnate anther?

II. Answer any three of the following: (3 X 2 = 6 marks)

6. Differentiate ray floret and disc floret.
7. What is alternate phyllotaxy? Give one example.
8. Describe papilionaceous corolla.
9. Explain the merits of Bentham and Hooker’s system of classification.

III. Answer any one of the following: (1 X 6 = 6marks)

10. Explain the important floral features of the family Apocynaceae.
11. With the help of diagrams describe briefly different types of racemose inflorescence.

Section B (Economic Botany and Applied Botany)

IV. Answer any four of the following: (4 X 1 = 4 marks)

12. What is apomixes?
13. What is pure line selection?
14. What is somatic embryogenesis?
15. Give the botanical name of Bengal gram.
16. Name the family to which cardamom belongs.

V. Answer any three of the following: (3 X 2 = 6 marks)

17. Describe different types of vegetative propagation.
18. Write notes on the media used in tissue culture.
19. How polyploidy is exploited in plant breeding?
20. Write the binomial and family of tapioca and paddy.

VI. Answer any one of the following: (1 X 6 = 6 marks)

21. Explain the importance of mutation breeding in crop improvement.
22. Discuss the medicinal use of (a). Sida rhombifolia, (b). Rawolfia serpentina, (c). Adathora vasica

Section C (Anatomy and Ecology)

VII. Answer any four of the following (4 X 1 = 4 marks)

23. What is hydathode?
24. Write a note on callus.
25. What are sclereids?
26. What is fascicular cambium?
27. What are lenticels?

VIII. Answer any three of the following: ( 3 X 2 = 6 marks)

28. What are the major adaptations of a parasite?
29. Explain the role of cambium in wound healing of plants.
30. Compare simple and complex tissues.
31. Differentiate ring porus wood and diffuse porus wood.

IX. Answer any one of the following: (1 X 6 = 6 marks)

32. Explain the secondary growth in dicot stem with the help of labeled diagram.
33. Explain the ecological adaptations of hydrophytes.

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