Fifth Semester
(Common for B.Sc. Botany Model I, Model II and B.Sc. Biotechnology – Double Core)
Time: Three Hours Maximum Weight: 25
Part A (Objective Type Questions)
Answer all questions
Each bunch of four questions carries a weight of 1 (4 X 1 = 4)
I. 1 – 4. Multiple choices:
1. Staminodes are found in:
a. Malvaceae
b. Liliaceae
c. Caesalpiniaceae
d. Mimosaceae
2. In cyathium inflorescence the ratio between male : female flower is:
a. One : many
b. Many : one
c. One : one
d. Many : many
3. Example for edible fleshy inflorescence:
a. Cauliflower
b. Bombax
c. Aconitum
d. Trapa
4. Clove is:
a. Dried flower bud
b. Seed
c. Fruit
d. Flower
II. 5 – 8. State whether the following statements are True or False:
5. Ruminate endosperm is not a feature of Annonaceae.
6. Castor oil plant belongs to family Euphorbiaceae.
7. Inter petiolar stipule is characteristic of Rubiaceae
8. Alpinia galanga is not a medicinal plant
III. 9 – 12. Name the following:
9. Name the family with cyathium inflorescence.
10. Name the family with Pollinium.
11. Name a fruit with free central placentation.
12. Family in which head inflorescence is seen.
IV. 13 – 16. Fill in the blanks:
13. The unit of perianth is _____________.
14. The useful part of apple is ___________.
15. Papilionaceous corolla is seen in ___________________.
16. The fruit of apple is a ______________.
Part B (Short answer questions)
Write short answers on any five of the following
Each question carries a weight of 1. (5 x 1 = 5)
17. What is perigyny?
18. What is vasculum?
19. What is meant by interpetiolar stipule?
20. What is Adnate anther?
21. Name the family in which Hesperidium fruits are seen.
22. What is synandrous condition?
23. What is acendingly imbricate aestivation?
24. What is monochasial cyme?
Part C (Short essay/problem solving type)
Write Short Essays of the following, Answer any four questions,
Each question carries a weight of 2 (4 X 2 = 8)
25. What is the morphology of coir?
26. Explain head inflorescence.
27. Mention the ethno botanical importance of curcuma.
28. Describe the contributions of BSI in plant systematics.
29. Explain multiple fruits with example.
30. Give a brief account of ICBN.
Part D (Essay type)
Write essays of the following, Answer any two questions
Each question carries a weight of 4 (2 X 4 = 8)
31. Explain the advanced features of Asteraceae.
32. Give an account of the placentation types in the family studied by you.
33. Mention the significance of ethno botany.