Taxonomy Economic Botany Embryology of Angiosperms and Environmental Biology March 2010

Faculty of Sciences
Part III – Group IV – Botany (Main)
(2006 admission onwards, Regular/Failed)
Time: Three Hours, Maximum: 50 Marks
Draw diagrams only when specified

Section A (Taxonomy and Economic Botany)

I. Answer any eight of the following: (8 X 1 = 8 marks)

1. Name the type of fruit in Asteraceae.
2. Which is the largest angiosperm family?
3. Mention the name of a Botanic Garden in Thiruvananthapuram
4. What is a gynandrophore?
5. Mention the binomial of two plants used as medicine by the tribes in Kerala.
6. What is a pome? Give an example.
7. What are staminodes? Name a family having staminodes.
8. Give an example for phylogenetic system of classification.
9. Mention the type of aestivation in Fabaceae
10. Name the type of inflorescence in Wheat.

II. Answer any five of the following: (5 X 2 = 10 marks)

11. Briefly explain Rule of priority
12. Describe the androecium of Cucurbitaceae
13. Explain the floral characters of Asclepiadaceae
14. Discuss the economic importance of Poaceae
15. Enumerate the basic principles of binomial nomenclature.
16. Assign the following plants to their respective families:
     a. Manihot utilissima
     b. Abrus precatorius
     c. Hemigraphis colorata
     d. Alstonia scholaris

17. Give the binomial of the following:
     a. Jute
     b. Cardamom
     c. White dammar
     d. Gingelly

III. Answer any one of the following: (1 X 6 = 6 marks)

18. “Orchidaceae is a highly advanced family of monocots”. Discuss.
19. Give an outline of a Natural System of Classification studied by you.

Section B (Embryology)

IV. Answer any four of the following: (4 X 1 = 4 marks)

20. What is Tapetum?
21. What are the pollen wall layers?
22. What is apomixes?
23. Name a plant with helobial endosperm.
24. What are synergids?
25. What is the ploidy level of angiosperm endosperm?

V. Answer any one of the following (1 X 4 = 4 marks)

26. Describe the structure and development of monocot embryo.
27. Explain the structure and development of mega-sporangium.

Section C (Environmental Biology)

VI. Answer any four of the following: ( 4 X 1 = 4 marks)

28. Define homeostasis.
29. What is biome?
30. Define RET category.
31. Mention the type of association in VAM.
32. List any two abiotic components of ecosystem.

VII. Answer any four of the following: (4 X 2 = 8 marks)

33. Explain the role of wildlife sanctuaries and national parks in conservation.
34. Mention the impact of deforestation on environment
35. Explain global warming and greenhouse effect.
36. Comment on the ecological and environmental significance of dams.
37. Describe the non-renewable energy sources and strategies for their conservation.
38. What is bio-monitoring? Mention the role of various organizations in bio-monitoring.

VIII. Answer any one of the following ( 1 X 6 = 6 marks)

39. What are biochemical cycles? Explain Nitrogen cycle.
40. Explain how edaphic factors affect the balance of ecosystem.

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