Significance of Heterospory

Heterospory and Seed Habit in Pteridophytes

Heterospory is the production of two or more types of spores. It is a condition of the production of more than one types (usually two) of spores in a single plant. These two types of spore differ in their formation, structure and most importantly its functions and sexuality. In Pteridophytes, these two spores are called as […]

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Compare covalent and hydrogen bond

Difference between Covalent Bond and Hydrogen Bond – Comparison Table

Covalent vs Hydrogen Bond Difference between Covalent and Hydrogen Bond: The chemical bonds are stable attractions between atoms, ions or molecules. The formation of chemical bonds allows the formation of molecules or compounds. Chemical bonds are classified into different categories based on their formation and strength. They are categorized as Covalent bonds, Ionic bonds, Metallic […]

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Difference between Dorsiventral and Isobilateral Leaf

Anatomical Difference between Dicot (Dorsiventral) Leaf and Monocot (Isobilateral) Leaf – Comparison Table

Dicot Leaf vs Monocot Leaf (Difference between Dorsiventral and Isobilateral Leaf) Dicot leaves are also called as dorsiventral leaves because they possess distinct dorsal and ventral sides. Monocot leaves are called isobilateral leaves since both the sides of monocot leaves are more or less similar. Dicot and monocot leaves show considerable differences both in their […]

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