How Arthropods further classified

Classification of Arthropoda with Identification Characters for Each Sub-Phylum and Class

Arthropods are classified into five sub-phylum and each then subdivide into classes (a total of 16 classes according to recent classification of animal taxa). Classification of Arthropods I.   Sub-phylum: Trilobitomorpha (extinct arthropods) Class 1: Trilobita II.   Sub-phylum: Chelicerata (spiders, horseshoe crabs) Class 1: Arachnida Class 2: Merostomata Class 3: Pycnogonida III.  Sub-phylum: Myriapoda (centipedes, millipedes) […]

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Plant Vascular Tissue System

Vascular Bundles: Structure, Composition and Classification

Vascular bundles (VB) are the components of vascular tissue system in plants. They are also called as ‘fascicle’. They are the part of TRANSPORT system in plants. It is one of the PRIMARY tissue systems in plants. More than that is a perfect example for a COMPLEX tissue system in plants. (Complex tissue = composed […]

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mcq biology

GATE XL 2016 Life Sciences Model Question Paper Zoology Optional Paper With Answer Key and Explanations Set 1 (MCQ 018)

GATE XL 2016 Life Sciences ZOOLOGY Model Question Paper (MCQ 018) (1). Which of the following taxa of Arthropoda possess prehensors? a.       Trilobits b.      Arachnidas c.       Chilopodas d.      Diplopodas (2). In biological systematics the term ‘incertae sedis’ represents: a.       An extinct taxa b.      A fossil taxa c.       A fossil specimen whose complete part is not […]

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biological chemistry

Artemisinin: A Wonder Phyto-drug Against Malarial Parasite: Plasmodium falciparum; & Nobel Prize Winning Contribution of Prof. Youyou Tu, China (Nobel Prize 2015: Physiology and Medicine)

. Artemisinin is an anti-malarial parasite drug extracted from a Chinese medicinal plant called sweet wormwood (Artemisia annua; Asteraceae family). It is also known as qinghaosu in Chinese and it is the most rapid acting drug currently available against the malarial parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. The 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine is shared by […]

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Zoology lecture notes and study materials

Difference Between Centipedes and Millipedes (Chilopoda Vs Diplopoda)

.Centipedes and millipedes are coming under the sub-phylum Myriapoda of the phylum Arthropoda. Similarities of centipedes and millipedes Ø  Both coming under the sub-phylum Myriapoda Ø  All are terrestrial arthropods Ø  Body divided into head and trunk Ø  Bears many legs Ø  Single pair of antennae Ø  Sensory Tömösváry organs present below the antennae Ø  […]

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