Free Net Life Science Study Materials

NET Life Sciences Model Question Paper (14)

(1). A flow cytometer is used to measure the number of a.       Cells b.      DNA c.       RNA d.      Proteins (2). How many H atoms would be replaced CCl4 in presence of ethanol during NMR spectrum? a.       1 b.      2 c.       3 d.      4 (3). During the regulation of trp operon by the attenuation process, there […]

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Free Net Life Science Study Materials

JRF NET Life Sciences June 2017 Free Model Question Papers (13)

(1). Most of the DNA binding protein binds to DNA by particular motif to modulate gene expression. Genes which are under the regulation of gibberllic acid have GRE where, GREB binds. The motif in GREB is ______ a.       Leucine Zipper b.      bZIP c.       Zinc finger d.      Homoedomain (2). Which of the following DONOT occur during […]

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Free Net Life Science Study Materials

CSIR JRF NET Life Sciences December 2017 Model Question (12)

(1).  The characteristics of organisms the reaches first to barren Island during the ecological succession: a.       Slow growth and small generation time b.      Slow growth and large generation time c.       Fast growth and small generation time d.      Fast growth and large generation time Learn more: Process of Ecological Succession (2). A myopic person is also […]

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microspores vs megaspores

Difference between Microspores and Megaspores

Microspores vs Megaspores Microspores and megaspores are sexual spores produced by vascular plants (some Pteridophytes and all Gymnosperms and Angiosperms) for sexual reproduction. Both microspores and megaspores on germination produce the respective gametophytic generations. The gametophytes on maturation produce sex organs and gametes to establish the fertilization and thus to complete the life cycle. The […]

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Phase Contrast vs DIC Microscopy

Difference between Phase Contrast Microscopy and Differential Interference Contrast Microscopy

Phase Contrast vs DIC Phase Contrast and Differential Contrast Microscopes Phase contrast microscopy and Differential Interference Contrast (DIC) microscopy are two advanced optical light microscopy techniques to produce high contrast images of unstained and living cells. Both the microscopes utilize various contrast enhancing techniques to produce high contrast images. Phase contrast microscopy is an optical-microscopy […]

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