protein classification

Classification of Proteins Based on Structure and Function

Classification of proteins: Proteins are important macromolecules of the cells, formed by the polymerization of amino acids according to the sequence of genetic code in the mRNA. Proteins are the mode of expression of the genetic information. They perform a variety of duties in the cells such as they act as the structural components of […]

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ecological adaptations of xerophytes ppt

Ecological Adaptations of Xerophytes (with PPT)

What are xerophytes? Ø  Xerophytes (xerophytic plants) are plants growing in dry habitats (xeric conditions) where the availability of water is very less. Xeric habitat are the places where water is NOT present in adequate quantity.  Xerophytes are the characteristic plants of deserts or semi-deserts areas. Xerophytes can also grow in mesophytic conditions. The present post […]

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biological importance of water

Biological Importance of Water

Biological Importance of Water Biological importance of water: Water is the mother liquid of all forms of life. The essentiality of water for living systems is quite evident as without water, there is no life. No other substance on earth is abundant as water. All aspects of cell structure and functions are adapted to the […]

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Water plants adaptations PPT

Ecological Adaptations of Hydrophytes (with PPT)

What is adaptation? “Any feature of an organism which enables it to exist under conditions of its habitat is called adaptation”. Adaptations are for withstanding adverse conditions of environment and to utilize the maximum benefit of the environment (nutrition or conditions). Adaptations in plants can be of four types: 1.   Morphological features 2.   […]

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