tumor suppressor gene example

Tumor Suppressor Gene Rb and its Role in Cell Cycle and Cancer

What is Retinoblastoma? Retinoblastoma or RB is a type of cancer affecting the retina of young individuals. RB occurs in the human population both spontaneously and as a heritable disorder. The genetic reason for the occurrence of RB is associated with a structural aberration of the chromosome. In human, the Rb gene is present on […]

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Molecular Biology Tutorials

Extrinsic Pathway of Apoptosis (Apoptosis Molecular Mechanism Part 2)

Extrinsic Pathway of Apoptosis (The Receptor-Mediated Programmed Cell Death Pathway) In the extrinsic pathway of apoptosis, the death-inducing signal for the programmed cell death is triggered by an external stimulus. For receiving such an external death-inducing signal, the cell possesses plasma membrane receptors specific to each stimulus and thus the extrinsic signalling of apoptosis is […]

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Fimbria vs pilus

Bacterial Cell Surface Appendages

Flagella vs Fimbriae vs Pili of Bacteria What are cell surface appendages? Cell surface appendages (aka filamentous appendages or Extracellular Structure of Bacteria) are proteinaceous tubular or fibrous structures found on the surface of bacterial cells. They extend from the surface of the bacterial cell wall and can have many functions such as locomotion, attachment, […]

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