Difference between Asexual and Sexual Reproduction

Reproduction is a biological process by which new individuals (progenies) are formed from their parents. There are two types of reproductions in organisms: sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction. The present post summarizes the similarites and difference between Sexual and Asexual Reproduction in Plants with a comparison table

Asexual reproduction

A method of reproduction, usually present in lower animals and plants where progenies are produced from a single parent without the formation of gametes and fertilization.

Example: division of bacteria by binary fission, budding of Hydra and yeasts, and vegetative reproduction in plants.

asexual reproduction in yeast

Sexual reproduction

A method of reproduction where the progenies are produced by two parents of separate sexes. These parents produce morphologically and sexually different gametes. The union of gametes results in the formation of zygote. The zygote develops into new progeny.

Difference between Sexual and Asexual Reproduction

Difference between Asexual and Sexual Reproduction

Sl. No.Asexual ReproductionSexual Reproduction
1Asexual reproduction is uniparental. Here the progenies are produced from a single parent.Sexual reproduction is biparental. Two parents are involved in the production of progenies through sexual reproduction.
2Sex organs are NOT formed.Sex organs are formed
3Formation of gametes and union of gametes (fertilization) are not involvedFormation of gametes and fertilization are involved
4Zygote is not formedZygote is formed by the fusion of gametes
5Meiotic cell division absent, all cell divide mitotically.Meiosis is essential for sexual reproduction. Meiosis ensures the reduction of chromosome number to haploid number.
6In asexual reproduction, the new progeny arise from a single cell or from a part of the parentIn sexual reproduction, the new progeny arises from the zygote.
7The progeny and the parent will be genetically similarThe progenies will be genetically different from the parents
8Asexual reproduction will not introduce variation in the progenySexual reproduction causes variations in the progeny.
9No evolutionary significanceSexual reproduction has evolutionary significance in the population
10Usually, large numbers of progenies are produced with asexual reproduction.Usually, the number of progenies with sexual reproduction will be limited.
11Example: Bacterial fission, budding of yeast, budding of HydraExample: Reproduction in human

sexual reproduction in plants

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